Access Healthy Food
The Argo Pantry is a free resource that provides nutritious and healthy food options for currently enrolled UWF students.
About Argo Pantry
The Argo Pantry is located in the Dean of Students Office in Building 960, Room 258. It is open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Students may visit the pantry once a week with their Nautilus Card. An additional food location is available at the Argo Cantries, behind the Pace Library Coffee House.
Students who visit the Argo Pantry will be provided with a variety of food items. Bags are not provided, so please be prepared to transport your items.
Argo Pantry Events
Hosted in the Spring semesters during UWF's Founders Week. Faculty, staff, and students are invited to donate goods to replenish the Argo Pantry. Visit UWF Events to see upcoming University events and activities.
Hosted in the Spring Semesters. Argo Pantry Classic Disc Golf Tournament to benefit UWF’s campus food pantry. Visit to see upcoming University events and activities.
Hosted in the Fall semesters, UWF Argo Pantry hosted a food market with fresh produce available free of charge for students. Local vendors set up produce stands for the event. Visit to see upcoming University events and activities.
Hosted in the Fall semesters, donate Argo Pantry edible donation items. Visit to see upcoming University events and activities.