Advising Directory
This page provides information on how to identify your advisor and contains links to the individual college advising pages.
How Do I Locate My Advisor?
Students need to identify their advisors to know who to contact about advising matters and schedule an appointment when necessary. Click the button for information on how to locate your academic advising and student support team members.
How to Locate Your Academic Advising and student support team members
Freshman, First-Time-in-College, and Undeclared students are assigned to a specific advisor in First Year Advising to assist with initial course registration, goal setting, and degree planning before being transitioned to academic advisors in the major departments after achieving sophomore status or completing the first regular semester at UWF (fall or spring).
Visit the College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities Advising page, where you will find information about our academic advisors, important dates and deadlines, the advising syllabus, and the college student resource center.
College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities Programs
College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities Advising Directory
Visit the Lewis Bear Jr. College of Business page, the one-stop location for all of your LBJCOB advising needs.
School of Education Programs
School of Education Advising Directory
Academic advising is critical to your academic success. Your academic advisor assists you with course selection and degree planning, understanding your major's curriculum and referrals to campus resources.
Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering Programs
Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering Advising Directory
Working with the healthcare community to strengthen interprofessional collaborative relationships and improve the health of the public.
Honors advisors are available to all students in the Kugelman Honors Program to discuss Honors-related advising concerns. Students classified as freshmen, and those with an undecided major, will work with first-year advisors as their primary advisor. When a student's classification is adjusted to sophomore, junior, or senior status, their departmental advisor becomes their primary advisor, but Honors advisors continue to assist students in planning the completion of Honors requirements. Visit the Kugelman Honors Program Advising page.
UWF's dedicated academic support staff takes a personal interest in each Argonaut student-athlete, making sure that they excel not just on the field, but also in the classroom. Our staff makes sure each student-athlete gets the classroom instruction they need to earn a degree and realize their post-graduation goals. For more information, contact Philip Ebert at 850.474.3162 or