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Getting Started in MyUWF

MyUWF ( contains the information and all of the online services you need to be an active member of the UWF community.

Once you join UWF as a student or employee, you receive access to MyUWF. To find MyUWF, use the MyUWF link at the top of university web pages, or log into MyUWF at Understanding the layout of MyUWF and using the Search features will allow you to quickly find what you need.

If you need assistance accessing MyUWF, please visit the Accessing MyUWF support article.

A core set of services for your role(s) (student, faculty, etc.) appears on the home page by default and cannot be removed. Starring a default app moves it to the top of the Home Items list. Gmail for Faculty & Staff and Gmail for Students are examples.

The Searchable Index contains the online services that are specific to your role at the university. The information you see will differ depending on whether you are faculty, student, or staff. Services that you frequently access can be added to your MyUWF home page items by clicking the star next to the app.

You may use the search function to locate these helpful services: eLearning, Confluence, the Professional Development Learning Library, and more!

The A to Z Index contains several collections of services. Any tool in the collection, if starred, appears at the top of the list of your home page items.

Employee Self-Service - A Collection for Employees
This collection of tools and information is specific to you: Leave Balances, Leave Report, Time Sheet, Pay Stub, Tax forms, and more.

Instructor Resources - A Collection for Faculty
This collection of tools is designed for instructors: eLearning, Grade Submission, ClassMate, Classroom List, and more. ClassMate contains information about your courses including class rosters, final exam date/time, and Message Composer. ClassMate is the place to post your online syllabus, set technology codes, and request a technology-enhanced classroom.

Employee Resources - A Collection for Staff
This collection of tools is used by employees: Banner ERP System, Information Navigator, RouteIt, Employment/Position Management, and more.

The Technology Self-Help Resources collection of apps contains a number of different resources for obtaining IT help. These include the ITS Help Desk, request forms, technology alerts, and a complete list of who to contact if you have a problem.

Some apps, like Leave and Time Approval, can sense when there is something that needs your attention. If an app senses that you have action items, the app will appear in the Notifications section of the home page. In the apps list, the app icon will display a numbered badge indicating the number of items waiting for your action.

New and timely apps are Featured on the home page and highlighted in the app listing. Look for Grades to be featured once they are posted, and Parking Permits to be featured when it's time to renew.