Are you interested in American politics, international affairs, political developments in other parts of the world and the study of ideas about power, organization of interests, and justice? A degree in political science from the University of West Florida prepares you to enter a world of policy and debate with the tools you need to effect change at all levels of society.
Why Study Political Science at UWF?
As a political science major, you will be at the forefront of analyzing the underlying problems that continue to afflict our societies.
While learning about topics such as why democracies rise and fall, what qualities make for an effective leader or why some states have stronger economies or governments than others, you will develop the ability to synthesize complex information, communicate effectively and present logical arguments based on evidence.
A political science major provides excellent preparation for a wide range of fields, including law, government, public and non-profit service, journalism, management, policymaking, finance and communications.
What You Will Learn
You will consider timeless questions, including the origin and evolution of law and justice, the development and operation of political institutions and processes, the comparative performance of regimes, the exercise of political leadership and problems of war and peace.
You will learn how to study individual behavior and large institutions using a set of tools ranging from legal analysis and the study of classic texts to data analysis and the scientific method.
Dedicated faculty members will teach you skills that are valued in many different businesses and organizations, including writing, time management, critical thinking and decision-making.
Our faculty have expertise covering all of the main subfields of the discipline, including American politics, international relations, comparative politics, political theory and research methods.
The major in Political Science Pre-Law provides students with a foundation in the liberal arts and social sciences. The Pre-Law specialization emphasizes core courses in American government, with focus in political thought, constitutional law and judicial politics.
If you are interested in another major, a minor in political science gives you an understanding of government, public policies and political behavior. You can also choose a minor in political science/pre-law.
UWF offers classes through various delivery methods, including face-to-face, hybrid, and online. Though UWF makes every effort to provide on-campus classes in face-to-face programs, there is a possibility that some classes will have limited availability and may be offered online only. For more information, please review the modes of delivery and instructional methods.
The Pre-Law specialization is appropriate for students seeking a pre-professional degree in law. The Pre-Law specialization emphasizes core courses in American government, with a focus on political thought, constitutional law and judicial politics. Students take courses across a broad array of subjects, including political theory, history, economics and business, philosophy, literature, communications and statistics.