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Art matters now more than ever before. UWF Art Majors learn how to be creative, critical and independent thinkers, to be visually fluent in our increasingly digital and online world. Our graduates go on to diverse careers, transforming lives through the arts both regionally and nationally.

Why Study Fine Arts at UWF?

The UWF Bachelor of Fine Arts program offers you an intensive curriculum to prepare you to pursue a career in graphic design or studio art.

Our program provides you ample opportunities to work closely with world renowned artists and faculty members and collaborate with campus and local organizations to gain hands-on experience. 

The program's major in Graphic Design and affiliated track in studio art will give you the chance to work with cutting edge technologies that are the future standards of the discipline.

What You Will Learn

You will join a vibrant community of artists and designers in an environment that challenges you intellectually and creatively to fulfill your potential. The curriculum teaches problem solving, high level technical skills, and innovative thinking through new and cutting edge technologies, hands-on practices, and partnerships with local museums and galleries.

Our faculty approach the fine arts education with you from an interdisciplinary perspective, helping you understand the role and impact of visual arts on cultures past and present.

To provide an interdisciplinary approach to the visual arts, faculty often recruit students from across campus, including those in engineering and science fields, to collaborate on projects. You will be offered experiential learning opportunities as studio and gallery assistants to departmental professors and museum curators, as well as chances to intern with local businesses, museums, and galleries for real world experiences and present your work at national conferences. 

You will take part in design challenges that test your skills and offer experience bidding for commissioned projects on campus and in the community.

The department offers minors in both Fine Arts and Graphic Design, offering you exposure to concepts, vocabulary, and skills applicable across a wide spectrum of disciplines.

UWF programs offered at the Pensacola campus or UWF Emerald Coast may require online courses. Discuss the program requirements and planning with your academic advisor.


In this increasing visual, digital and global world, graphic design touches every aspect of peoples’ lives. Graphic design surrounds us, from the sticker on the fruit you buy at the grocery store to the logo for the company you may eventually work for to the background design of video games. The graphic design specialization will raise your awareness about the knowledge and themes that surround visual communication design. You will be prepared for a career as a graphic designer through a curriculum of research, analysis, sketching, concept development and teamwork. At the end of the program, you will be a persuasive design thinker, equipped with the disciplinary skills and perspective to equip for professional design work.

Graphic Design Courses

The art specialization will introduce you to deep problem solving skills where you will think creatively and critically about abstract subjects, and then translate your opinions into richly visual modes. With a curriculum of based upon studio practices and art history, those opinions will be informed by the cultural, political and sociological history of civilizations. The art specialization will offer you the opportunity to pursue an intense course of study in a wide variety of practices that will develop creative thinking skills, visual fluency, communication skills and cultural awareness.

Art Courses