Student Next Big Thing Challenge
Calling all visionaries and dreamers. We want to hear your idea for the Next Big Thing at UWF.
Change. Adaptability. Radical transformation. It's in our genetic code. Since day one, we have seen change as inspirational: a source of ideas and insights, startups and breakthroughs, innovation and collaboration.
As an Argonaut I want to tap into your creativity and innovation. What if you could change our community and help put UWF on the map? Share your vision for transformation (big and small).
We're looking for ideas that:
- Strengthen presence on campus
- Increase visibility—on campus, in our region, or around the nation
- Enhance common spaces on campus to create more engagement, collaboration and fun among students
How to Submit:
- Develop an idea that will help put UWF on the map!
- Create a 2-minute video detailing your idea that will transform UWF. The best submissions will reflect your ability to express ideas and convey your vision.
- Upload your video to YouTube. Instructions are available at YouTube's Getting Started page. Set your video's privacy to "Public."
- Submit your video using the Student Next Big Thing Submission Form below.
Submission Guidelines:
Any currently enrolled UWF student may participate. The video can use any audio/visual multimedia (e.g., video, flash, animation, cell phone, slide show) as long as the work is created for this contest and runs for two minutes or less. Subject matter should be original, must have no copyright violations (slogans, music or images) and must comply with the UWF Student Code of Conduct.
Student Next Big Thing Submission Form
Voting Process:
After all submissions are collected, the student body will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite ideas to bring forward to campus leadership.