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U-RISE Scholars Program

The U-RISE Scholars Program, formerly MARC Scholars (NIH funding 2014-2024), at the University of West Florida (UWF) is a grant-funded training program sponsored by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and National Institutes of Health (NIGMS/NIH). This scholars program promotes broader participation in the biomedical research workforce by expanding the pool of well-trained scientists earning a Ph.D.

MARC Scholars Ian Parker and Lali Gutierrez.

Program Overview

As the preeminent undergraduate research opportunity, the U-RISE Scholars Program supports full-time juniors and seniors who intend to pursue a Ph.D. or MD/Ph.D.  The program is not intended to support students who plan to pursue an MD only.

The U-RISE Scholars Program models the Chemistry Scholars Program's key components with additional emphasis given to the development of biology, chemistry, mechanical engineering or physics research talent. If funding continues from NIGMS/NIH and Scholars remain eligible for the program, their appointment will be renewed for a second year of undergraduate study. Scholars are limited to two years of support.

Scholars must maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA each semester to remain eligible for participation in the program. Guided by the U-RISE Scholarship Program staff, each Scholar must meet all requirements for program activities, coursework, and various group meetings. Each Scholar will complete a sustained research project with a faculty researcher. Research begins the summer prior to the Scholar's junior year and continues during the following two academic years.  Scholars are required to participate in off-campus research during the summer between their junior and senior years. Scholars must successfully complete a Research Conduct and Ethics course and a three-credit scientific writing course.

Recruitment targets highly capable sophomores from UWF and eligible students who have transferred or plan to transfer to UWF from community colleges and other higher education institutions. Members of the U-RISE Selection Committee will review eligible applications to select students for interviews. After completing interviews, members of this committee will make the final selection of Scholars and decisions about renewal or dismissal of Scholars. Contact Sandy Brock at for any questions. 

2023-2024 MARC Scholars

2022-2023 MARC Scholars
Left to right: Hannah Roscom, Gary Geier, Jason Neidigk, Bianca Dawson. Bottom: Tori Costilow, Charlie Womack, and Anne Harper Not pictured: Denise C.

For more information, please contact Sandy Brock (

Karen Sinclair Molek, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor, Chemistry Department
Director, U-RISE Scholars Program
Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering
Building 58C, Room 204A

Sandy Brock
Program Coordinator
U-RISE Scholars
Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering
Building 58C, Room 204C