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Why Become a Mathematics or Statistics Major?

It is that important

Mathematics is a course of study that is difficult - meaning that you will most certainly be challenged and you will encounter a kind of rigor that is not found anywhere else. It is also unarguably one of the most rewarding -- not just for intellectual growth but also for the competitive advantage needed in today's technical workplace. With mathematics and/or statistics, you are challenged to think critically, analytically, abstractly and innovatively. Applications in real life are also abound. Mathematics and statistics provide the needed edge to succeed both personally and professionally.

Career paths

Aside from teaching, career opportunities are abound in both private and public sector for mathematics or statistics graduate. Most of these jobs have titles not easily associated with mathematics at first glance but have mathematical skills in their core. In general, a bachelor degree in mathematics will prepare you for jobs in statistics, actuarial sciences, mathematical modeling, biology, finance, mathematics education, as well as for graduate school leading to a research career in engineering, mathematics or statistics. A strong background in mathematics is also necessary for research in many areas of computer science and social science. Equally important, mathematics provides career flexibility, timelessly spanning numerous fields. Career changes are readily attainable to those whose core training encompasses solid mathematical skills.

Your mathematics and statistics skills are in demand

The study of mathematics develops such skills as arguing logically and rigorously, thinking abstractly, formulating and solving problems, analyzing data, and creating and analyzing mathematical models. Employers value these skills; consequently, math majors find themselves in demand by employers for careers in a wide spectrum of fields

Post graduate work

Graduate programs value mathematics majors for their versatility, analytical skills and ability to problem solve. As you may be well aware mathematics exist in some form in any academic field. Math is high on the list of academic assets.

A balanced academic degree

Grasping the mathematical concepts is a key element of success in the sciences, engineering, economics and finance. Majoring or minoring in math helps a student become knowledgeable and adaptable in many fields.

Requirements of a Math/Stat Major