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2027 BACB Exam Requirements Transition

Guidance for students pursuing BACB certification.  New coursework requirements go into effect on January 1, 2027 for the 6th edition test content outline. 

Graduate Students

Anticipated Exam Date Coursework Impact

Students planning to apply for the BCBA exam before January 1, 2027

Must complete 5th edition coursework requirements. 

Must submit your exam application to the BACB and get approval to take the exam before December 31, 2026.  Anyone not approved to take the exam prior to January 1, 2027 will be required to meet the 6th edition coursework requirements.

Students planning to apply for the BCBA exam after January 1, 2027

Must meet the 2027 requirements outlined by the BACB. 

Most of the 5th edition BCBA course sequence is applicable toward the 2027 requirements. Therefore, students who begin coursework before 2027 may still work toward 6th edition coursework requirements.

Undergraduate Students

The Undergraduate coursework for students pursuing BCaBA certification under the 6th edition coursework requirements will require a different course sequence. New course names and numbers are to be announced. 

The full 5th edition course sequence will be offered through Summer 2025.  Summer 2025 will be the last offering of HSC 3102.   The remainder of the 5th edition coursework will be offered on a limited basis through 2026 in order to enable previous students to finish the 5th edition sequence before 2027. 

Anticipated Exam Date Coursework Impact

Students planning to take apply for the BCaBA exam before January 1, 2027

Must complete 5th edition coursework requirements. 

Must submit your exam application to the BACB and get approval to take the exam before December 31, 2026.  Anyone not approved to take the exam prior to January 1, 2027 will be required to meet the 2027 coursework requirements, which will be a different course sequence for undergraduate students.

Students planning to apply for the BCaBA exam after January 1, 2027

Must meet the 2027 requirements outlined by the BACB. 

Enroll in undergraduate ABA course sequence beginning Fall 2025. Do not enroll in any HSC 3102, HSC 3114, HSC 4720, HSC 4580, HSC 4936 or HSC 4654.  New course numbers to be announced.