The UWF Center for Behavior Analysis prepares capable behavior analysts who can successfully apply their knowledge across diverse settings. Curriculum and experiences provide a comprehensive conceptual foundation in the science of behavior grounded in a solid understanding of social significance, ethical considerations, and respect.
Understand behavior. Improve lives!
The Center for Behavior Analysis applies the science of behavior across a variety of disciplines to improve lives through an understanding of behavior. The Center values (1) Precise measurement, (2) Empirical reasoning, (3) Ethical professionalism, (4) Socially valued behavior change, and (5) International relevance.

We provide the complete educational pathway for individuals interested in successful Applied Behavior Analysis careers.

There are various field work opportunities for students on our main Pensacola campus and throughout Northwest Florida.

The Center for Behavior Analysis and the UWF Police Department have invested in a VirTra 300 LE training experience simulator.

Support the Center for Behavior Analysis
With your financial support, the Center for Behavior Analysis at UWF coordinates applied research projects throughout the Gulf Coast community by creating community partnerships focusing on intervention and education. Please consider investing in the Center for Behavior Analysis by donating to the foundation account. Choose "Center for Behavior Analysis" under the 'Select the Designation' drop-down menu.