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Internships in Communication

The Department of Communication offers internships that provide practical learning experiences.

Student Headshot
Hunter Morrison, former UWF intern


Department of Communication internships offer practical learning experiences outside the classroom. Host organizations provide learning opportunities to further prepare students' for job opportunities in the field after graduation. Students participating in internships apply the principles learned in an academic setting to real-life working environments.

A Former Intern's Perspective

Hunter Morrison was a former intern with Ballinger Publishing.

"Interning with Ballinger Publishing was my first real-world experience in the field of journalism. It taught me how to properly conduct interviews, write for a magazine, and gather information in an orderly and cohesive manner. It also helped strengthen my writing skills and allowed me to be a published writer outside of the university." - Hunter Morrison

Internship Eligibility

It is essential that the communication channels remain open and flowing between the educator, student and professional. The role of the educator is to teach and supervise. The professional's role is to provide on-the-job training, supervision and evaluation. Finally, the student's role and responsibility is to demonstrate outstanding application of communication skills and perform effectively. Eligible students include: University of West Florida Communication Arts seniors and graduate students with a 2.7 overall GPA. Permission is also required from the faculty advisor in charge of your program. All internship applications must be submitted at least one semester prior to the one you wish to intern.

Please view the 2021Internship Request Form

Internship Applications

If you are a business or organization interested in obtaining an intern, please complete the  2021 Communication Internship Form

If you are a student currently enrolled as a senior in the UWF Communication Arts program and have a minimum 2.7 GPA, please complete the UWF Communication Internship Application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding Communication Arts internship programs. 

Organizational Communication
Public Relations
Print Journalism
Television Production
Radio Production

Gain experience
Expand your portfolio
Network with professionals
Build resume and portfolio
Reinforce career decisions
Develop teamwork skills
Approximately 35% of interns are hired

Most internships are located in Pensacola, some on the UWF campus, but you are not limited to staying in the Pensacola area. National and international internship programs are available. Sample local internships include WEAR-TV3, Pensacola Ice Pilots/Baracudas, WUWF-FM, and the Pensacola News Journal. Some national internships include: Sony, CNN, U.S.O.C., and Disney.

Select Communication internships are paid. Additionally, many of our local non-profits provide beneficial opportunities to add volunteer hours to your resume while also providing valuable work experience.

Students may earn 1-3 credit hours per semester, depending on the number of hours worked per week. If you work 20 hours per week, you earn 3 credits, 15 hours per week earns 2 credits, and 10 hours per week earns 1 credit. We can tailor your internship hours to the number of credits you need in conjunction with the needs of the affiliate.



Health Care
Social Services
Government (State & Federal)
Advertising Agencies
Non-profit Organizations

Need more information?

Contact Laura Kirby, internship coordinator, at