Sustaining Alumni Parking Hang Tags

Please read carefully because the alumni parking program has changed as of September 1, 2020.
Alumni parking privileges are now exclusively available to UWF Sustaining Alumni. A Sustaining Alumni Membership grants access to an enhanced level of alumni benefits. To become a Sustaining Alumni, make your gift of $20 ($15 if you graduated within the last 5 years) today!
- Sustaining Alumni can pick up an alumni parking hang tag from Parking Services, Building 20W, Room 151. Old student parking decals should be removed from the vehicle.
- With this alumni parking hang tag, alumni are able to park in any "Commuter" parking space on campus. Please do not park in any spaces marked "Fac/Staff", "Reserved" and/or with a "Number".
- Any alumni who enrolls again at UWF, whether as a special student, a degree-seeking student or an online-student will need to purchase a student parking permit from the Parking Portal accessible through MyUWF.
- Alumni who are employed by UWF as a faculty or staff member must purchase a Fac/Staff parking permit in the Parking Portal.
- Please see the University's Parking Rules and Regulations for more information about campus parking.
- If you need a replacement alumni hang tag, please contact Parking Services.
- Alumni hang tags obtained prior to September 1, 2020 will continue to be valid indefinitely.
Questions about parking rules, regulations and citations should be directed to Parking Services.