Colloquium is a weekly series hosted by the Kugelman Honors Program. These sessions explore thought-provoking topics from unique disciplinary perspectives. Past topics include The Lasting Legacy of Abraham Lincoln and The Making of an [Artificially] Intelligent Society.
Community Engagement
Colloquium inspires intellectual growth, promotes innovation, and encourages community involvement by addressing topics that resonate with both academic and broader audiences.
Civil Discourse
Colloquium provides opportunities for in-depth discussions, constructive feedback, and collaborative problem-solving by bringing together individuals with diverse perspectives. With a focus on civil discourse, participants explore complex issues in an environment that values open-mindedness and respectful dialogue.
Relevant Topics
Colloquium introduces big ideas through conversations with guest speakers and panel discussions featuring faculty, students, area employers, and community leaders. It offers a unique opportunity to create meaningful connections, engage in deeper discussions, and explore timely, relevant topics.