Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, Inc.

Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, Inc. is a Latina founded, 501(c)(7), national sorority who aims to achieve professional development, academic excellence, and graduation of all its members; an organization dedicated to community service to their local university communities with an emphasis on the Hispanic/Latino population.
Chapter Name: Beta Psi
Greek Letters: ΚΔΧ
Council: Multicultural Greek Council
UWF Charter Year: March 25, 2017
Email: fsl@uwf.edu
Social Media: @uwfkdchi
Chapter Information
- Semester GPA: N/A
- Cumulative GPA: N/A
- Academic Council Rank: N/A
Membership & Scholarship
- Academic Standing: Good
- Conduct Standing: Good
- 2019 FSL Fraternal Excellence Campus Engagement Award
Organizational Conduct History
No prior record.