Kappa Alpha

Kappa Alpha Order, A Moral Compass for the Modern Gentleman. As an Order, our chapters bring together men who already possess our shared values. With a rich history and amazing experiences, KA helps keep your compass true, aiming you toward a successful future.
Chapter Name: Epsilon Sigma
Greek Letters: KA
Council: Interfraternity Council
UWF Charter Year: October 13, 2023 (Recharter)
Email: ifc@uwf.edu
Social Media: @kao_uwf
Chapter Information
- Semester GPA: 2.80
- Cumulative GPA: 3.01
- Academic Council Rank: 3
Membership & Scholarship
- Academic Standing: Good
- Conduct Standing: Good
- 2021 FSL Fraternal Excellence Campus Engagement Award
Organizational Conduct History
- Article IV. 9. Violations of University Policy—Fraternity and Sorority Life Procedures—Responsible
- Article IV. 9. Violations of University Policy—SA-31.02-02/12—Event Registration—Responsible