Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity's objectives are to stimulate the ambition of its members, prepare them for the greatest usefulness in the causes of humanity, freedom, and dignity of the individual, encourage the highest and noblest form of manhood to aid downtrodden humanity in its efforts to achieve higher social, economic and intellectual status.
Chapter Name: Mu Theta
Greek Letters: ΑΦΑ
Council: National Pan-Hellenic Council
UWF Charter Year: May 21, 1976
Social Media: @uwfalphas
Chapter Information
- Semester GPA: 2.73
- Cumulative GPA: 2.80
- Academic Council Rank: 4
Membership & Scholarship
- Academic Standing: Academic Warning
- Conduct Standing: Good
No record.
Organizational Conduct History
No prior record.