
The Department of English offers a bachelor's and master's degree with specializations in literature or creative writing. Students may also pursue the Minor in Writing or the Certificate in Public, Technical and Workplace Writing.

The Department of English
The Department of English generates student awareness of language and culture that is crucial for success in the professional world. Our degree programs train students in the arts of writing, critical thinking and argumentation.
Students in our programs benefit from community-based internships, hands-on teaching experience in the UWF Writing Lab, small classes, visiting lectures by notable scholars and writers and participant-centered workshops. Our students and faculty also publish two literary journals: Troubadour, the student magazine of poetry, fiction and graphic art, and Panhandler, distributed and recognized nationally as an important showcase for fresh creative voices. The Department also boasts its own book imprint, Panhandler Books.
The undergraduate program offers a BA of Liberal Arts in English, a BA of Liberal Arts in Creative Writing, a Minor in English and a Minor in Writing. Students may also gain a Certificate in Public, Technical and Workplace Writing.
Possible Graduate and Career Opportunities
- Law school
- Publisher
- Technical writer
- Literary publicist
The UWF Writing Lab
Graduate and undergraduate Writing Lab assistants are available to review the mechanics of writing with you and help you upgrade the quality of your papers before you submit these papers to your professors. Face-to-face readers and OWL (Online Writing Lab) readers are available to help you with your papers from invention to publication or presentation to your professor. Visit the UWF Writing Lab online.
First-Year Composition
While first-year composition may be a service course in which the goal is to meet the needs of the academic community, we believe the best way to meet those needs is by teaching critical literacy, that is, teaching students to think, read (listen, view, watch, perceive), and write critically. Visit the First Year Composition program online.
English Internship Program
The Department of English's’ internship program has fostered community partners who provide mutually beneficial internship opportunities that give students access to those “hands-on learning opportunities” that enhance their academic experience. Visit the English Intership Program online.