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Center for Behavior Analysis Policies

This page is a reference for current and potential students.

Registering for a Course

  • Follow the instructions on our registration pages linked below:
  • Students are responsible for self-registering for each course. Registration may occur at various times during each semester, and students who utilize financial aid funding should register for all courses at the start of each semester. Please refer to our graduate and undergraduate course schedules for upcoming course offerings.
  • Please note: each class does not become active in eLearning until the Monday of the week the first class is held. Courses will not display in eLearning before that time.

Dropping and Withdrawing from a Course

Once students register through myUWF, the Center for Behavior Analysis cannot change enrollment statuses. Students must make changes through myUWF or contact the registrar's office.

To drop a class during the drop/add period:

  1. Visit MyUWF.
  2. Once logged into your account, search for the word “registration”, without the quotes, in the MyUWF search box.
  3. Click on the Registration Menu app from the search results
  4. To drop a course, select semester, and follow onscreen instructions

To withdraw from a class:

  1. Visit MyUWF.
  2. Once logged into your account, search for the word “withdrawal”, without the quotes, in the MyUWF search box.
  3. Click on the Withdrawal app from the search results if you wish to appeal for a late of medical withdrawal.
  4. Otherwise, you will need to contact the registrar directly to make withdrawal arrangements.


  • Although our courses begin and end at various times throughout the calendar year, grades post to student records at the end of traditional Spring, Summer and Fall semesters. Look for grades to post at the end of the semester in which your course ended. For example, if your course ends in March, you will not receive a grade until May.
  • At times, you may begin a course just before the end of a traditional semester. When this happens, your instructor must assign an “incomplete” grade until you finish the course. At that time, your grade will be updated to the grade earned.
  • It is not possible to post grades earlier than the end of the semester in which the course ended. We understand that students are anxious to sit for the certification exam upon completion. Please be aware of your cohorts’ dates and plan for your final grades to post at the end of the semester in which your last course ended.
  • Be sure to refer to your cohort’s schedule and be aware of the BACB’s Application Deadlines, as well as the UWF Academic Calendar to determine when you will be able to sit for the exam.
  • The Center for Behavior Analysis is not responsible for any fees paid to the BACB or QABA in error of when transcripts will be available.
  • A passing grade is 82% (B) or higher. Anything below 82% is not considered a passing grade.

You can find course descriptions (including syllabi with prerequisite requirements) on the Syllabi and Textbooks page.

For specific rubrics for assignments, please look under “content” in each course’s eLearning portal. If you have any questions regarding grading or how to submit assignments, please email your instructor. Your instructor also reserves the right to establish response costs for late assignments, in addition to the rubrics.

Repeat Courses

  • Undergraduate ABA courses may only be repeated one time.
  • Graduate courses may be repeated, but there is no grade forgiveness at the graduate level. Therefore, all course attempts are factored into the GPA, and graduate students must maintain a 3.0 GPA to remain in good academic standing
  • Refer to the current Undergraduate Catalog or Graduate Catalog for the most current University grading policies.


  • The University of West Florida uses the eLearning (Canvas) to house course materials, assessments, and other resources.
  • Canvas help for students
  • Students may either login to eLearning through MyUWF or at UWF eLearning website.
  • Below is a description of the eLearning features used in each course:
    • Modules - Includes all resources required to be successful in the online environment including specific course information such as the syllabus, course schedule, and course content relevant to each week. Students should look over these items before class so that any questions can be addressed.
    • Discussions Board - Most courses utilize asychronous discussions in canvas. Some assignments require that students post and reply to others in a discussion thread.Please follow your schedule for specifics.
    • Online rooms - Instructors will use either Zoom for virtual class. Please see your course announcements sections for links and information. The link will become active 15 minutes prior to the start time. Some rooms may be open earlier and may remain open later than the class time.
    • Assignments - Course assignments may require students to upload documents or videos into specific folders in Canvas or input responses to a quiz. It is best to toggle through each module to locate these folders, as opposed to clicking on "assignments".
    • Exams - All exams can be found under "quizzes".

Virtual Class

  • Classes meet virtually via Zoom. Instructors provide links in eLearning.
  • Students have choices in attendance and participation: Students are encouraged to attend all live, real-time class sessions. If a student cannot attend live, they must watch the recording each week. All students must submit the weekly lecture verification assignment.
  • If a student neither attends the live virtual class nor views the recorded lecture for each week, a 10% response cost to the final grade will be administered. If 3 or more class sessions are missed, this will result in an automatic (F) failing grade assigned for the course.
  • All classes are recorded and archived for later review.

Students may take a maximum of 12 semester hours as a non-degree student and apply those credits to a master's degree program at UWF. That is, students may begin the ABA coursework as a non-degree student and apply for admission to the master's degree program for a later semester. 

The University final deadlines for applications and supporting documents for graduate applicants are:
Graduate Application Deadlines
July 15 November 15 April 15
Refer to the Graduate School for details regarding admission requirements, applications fees, and deadlines.

Grievance Process

  • Try to resolve with the instructor via email. If they do not provide an acceptable response,
  • Reply indicating the solution is not acceptable and copy the ABA account. If there is no resolution,
  • CBA organizes a call between the student and the instructor. If there is no resolution,
  • Visit the Student Complaint Processes page for traditional UWF instructor grievance procedures.

Any instances of plagiarism (including self-plagiarism), cheating, or academic misconduct will be reported, as per UWF policies and procedures. We not only have an obligation to the integrity of our program, but we also have an obligation to the field of Applied Behavior Analysis.

Though not inclusive to all areas of academic misconduct, some examples of academic misconduct include:

  • Plagiarism
  • Cheating (Including sharing answers in group texts or other communication forums)
  • Academic Theft (Posting or retrieving exam questions or any assignment on websites such as quizlet)
  • Resubmission of Work (Using work from another class or from place of employment without permission)
  • Misrepresentation (Using someone else’s work as their own)

As mentioned, these items are not only of concern to students, but also as professionals. Specifically, the BACB Ethics Code (2021) identifies:

  • 6.08 Appropriate Credit (see 1.01, 1.11, 1.13) Behavior analysts give appropriate credit (e.g., authorship, author-note acknowledgment) to research contributors in all dissemination activities. Authorship and other publication acknowledgments accurately reflect the relative scientific or professional contributions of the individuals involved, regardless of their professional status (e.g., professor, student).
  • 6.09 Plagiarism (see 1.01) Behavior analysts do not present portions or elements of another’s work or data as their own. Behavior analysts only republish their previously published data or text when accompanied by proper disclosure.

To reiterate – all students are responsible for the information provided below. Any instance of cheating or plagiarism on an assignment or exam will result in a minimum penalty of a zero on that assignment or exam.

Student Code of Academic Conduct

Academic Integrity Module

UWF Library Video Tutorial on Academic Integrity

UWF Library Video Tutorial on Plagiarism

BACB Ethics Code

Please help us maintain the integrity of our program and field of behavior analysis.