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Lauren Ricciardelli


Dr. Ricciardelli is a full-time, tenure-track assistant professor and graduate faculty member in the Department of Social Work at the University of West Florida. I teach research methods/ evaluation, theory, social policy, and practice. She has professional experience working with Department of Juvenile Justice-involved youth and their families; youth with Serious Emotional Disturbance in the school setting; adults with Intellectual/ Developmental Disabilities in the community setting; and experience in the renal dialysis setting. She has additional experience with program evaluation and policy practice.

Her primary research agenda uses mixed methods to examine criminal legal systems policy, disability policy, and their intersection. Her secondary area of research focuses on the professional and ethical standards of macro-social work practice within the global context of digital information and communications technology. Both lines of inquiry have implications for criminal legal systems and related policy, including the distribution and recognition of rights. She has published her research in peer-reviewed journals across the arenas of social work, criminal justice, disability, and public policy. She has presented her research at professional regional and national conferences. She has served as an invited speaker for the Office of the Georgia Capital Defender and the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

Degrees & Institutions

Dr. Ricciardelli earned an undergraduate degree in philosophy, a Master of Social Work, and PhD in Social Work, all from the University of Georgia.


Books and Edited Volumes

Ricciardelli, L.A. (Ed.). (2020). Social work, criminal justice, and the death penalty. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Ginsberg, L.H., Larrison, C.R., Nackerud, L., Barner, J.R., & Ricciardelli, L.A. (2019). Social Work and science in the 21st Century. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Book Reviews

Ricciardelli, L. A. (2020). [Review of the book Capital defense: Inside the lives of America’s death penalty lawyers by J. B. Gould and M. Pagni Barak]. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 31(3), 468-470.

Encyclopedia Entries

NASW Press & Oxford University Press. (2021). Unemployment insurance. In Encyclopedia of social work.

Sage Publications, Inc. (2015). Maine. In SAGE encyclopedia of world poverty.

Refereed Journal Articles

Ricciardelli, L.A., Dillard, D.R., Quinn, A.E., Skinner, J., & Nackerud, L. (2023). U.S. social work students’ attitudes on social media as treatment modality: A pre-pandemic national survey. Journal of Social Work, 0(0).

Ricciardelli, L.A., King, E.A., & Broadley, M. (2022). COVID-19, mental illness, and incarceration in the United States: A systematic review, 2019 – 2021. Social Sciences,11(521), 1-24.

Ricciardelli, L.A., Quinn, A., & Nackerud, L. (2022). Social work & social media: A survey of use, attitudes, and knowledge among U.S. students. Social Work Education, 1-16.

Ricciardelli, L.A., McGarity, S., & Nackerud, L. (2022). Social work education and the recognition of rights in the digital tech age: Implications for professional identity. Social Work Education, 41(1), 90-104.

Ricciardelli, L.A., Quinn, A., & Nackerud, L. (2020). The criminalization of immigration and intellectual disability in the United States: A mixed methods approach to exploring forced exclusion. Critical Social Work, 21 (2), 19-40.

Ricciardelli, L.A., Quinn, A., & Nackerud, L. (2020). “Human behavior and the social media environment”: Exploring group differences in social media attitudes and knowledge. Social Work Education, 40(4), 473-491.

Ricciardelli, L.A., Nackerud, L., Quinn, A., Sewell, M., & Casiano, B. (2020). Social media use, attitudes, and knowledge among social work students: Ethical implications for the social work profession. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 2(1), 1-9.

Ricciardelli, L.A., Nackerud, L., Cochrane, K., Sims, I., Crawford, L., & Taylor, D. (2019). A snapshot of immigration court at Stewart Detention Center: How social workers can advocate & advance social justice efforts in the United States. Critical Social Work, 20 (1), 46-65.

Ricciardelli, L.A. & Jaskyte, K. (2019). A value-critical policy analysis of Georgia’s beyond a reasonable doubt standard of proof of intellectual disability. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 30 (1), 56-64.

Ricciardelli, L.A. & Laws, C.B. (2019). Using social work values and ethics to enhance social inclusion in post-secondary education: A value-critical approach. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 16(1), 39-52.

Ricciardelli, L.A. (2019). The case of intellectual disability vs. the death penalty: A Foucauldian analysis of Georgia’s beyond a reasonable doubt standard of proof. Critical Disability Discourses, 9.

Ricciardelli, L.A. & Ayres, K. (2016). The execution of Warren Lee Hill: The standard of proof of intellectual disability in Georgia. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 27(3) 158 –167.

Caplan, M. & Ricciardelli, L. A. (2016). Institutionalizing neoliberalism: 21st Century capitalism, market sprawl and implications for social policy. Poverty & Public Policy, 8(1), 20-38.