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Joyce Nichols

Celebrating the Success of UWF Alumni Joyce Nichols: Chief Nursing Officer at Baptist Health Care

Joyce Nichols, a distinguished alumna of the University of West Florida (UWF), has made significant strides in the healthcare field, culminating in her recent appointment as the Chief Nursing Officer at Baptist Health Care in Pensacola, Florida. Graduating in 1987, Nichols was part of the traditional RN-BSN program, transferring from Pensacola Junior College (PJC) in an era when UWF did not yet accept freshmen. Reflecting on her time at UWF, Nichols recalls the absence of online courses and the necessity of physical attendance, which was a challenging yet formative experience that laid a strong foundation for her career.

Immediately following her graduation, Nichols entered the critical care field, soon finding her true calling in emergency room nursing where she dedicated 15 years. Not one to rest on her laurels, she advanced her education by attending Nurse Practitioner school at the University of South Alabama. For 22 years, she served as a Nurse Practitioner in clinical practice, which was later acquired by Baptist Health Care. Nichols' journey with Baptist Health Care took an unexpected administrative direction eight years ago when she took on the task of starting and developing the hospital’s wound care program. Her leadership skills were truly put to the test when she accepted the role of Assistant Chief Nursing Officer just one month before the pandemic. Despite having spent only part of her career in hospital settings, Nichols successfully led her team through the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, attributing her success to the incredible support and dedication of her colleagues. “We figured it out every day, just like everyone else,” Nichols says of the pandemic era. “It was not a pretty time in healthcare, but we figured it out. When I sit down and think about my history here and how I am sitting in this role - and it is not something I planned or strove to do - it is absolutely because of the team around me. I can’t take credit for that.”

Nichols' relationship with Baptist Health Care has been pivotal in her professional growth. She appreciates the organization's supportive environment and values of ownership, integrity, excellence, service, and compassion. These values resonated deeply with her from the moment she attended her first orientation.

“When I attended my first orientation,” Nichols recalls, “when Baptist bought our practice, I remember thinking, ‘If what he is saying is for real, I’m all in.’ I’ve set through several hospital orientations. I’ve always been bored, I’ve never been inspired. But this one inspired me.”

Nichols' advice to aspiring nurses is grounded in her own experience: the importance of rigorous study, patient advocacy, and continuous learning. When asked what she would say to incoming UWF freshmen pursuing a nursing program, Nichols did not hesitate in her response. “Study study study. This is not dress rehearsal. These are human beings we are caring for. Speak up and advocate for your patient, and you need to have knowledge to be able to do that and voice to be heard.”

Nichols also credits UWF for playing a crucial role in her journey, providing financial support and essential daycare services that enabled her to balance education and family responsibilities. Her career exemplifies dedication, resilience, and a commitment to excellence, making her an inspiring figure for both current UWF students and the wider nursing community.