Web Training
University Marketing and Communications offers numerous training opportunities for University web managers.

CMS Training
The web content management system training has recently been converted into an online-only module. Please review the Certified Web Manager Guide in Confluence for instructions about how to access and complete the new training. We are here to assist you in any way we can. This training must be completed in order to access the CMS to edit your website. If you have any questions, please reach out to us by emailing websupport@uwf.edu. To see the training materials for reference, please visit the link below:
Advanced Training
This module will contain details and procedures for advanced formatting options within the CMS and an introduction to the Google Analytics platform. Most of this information pertains to the CMS with the exception of the Analytics and Tables sections which provide relevant information for other website generating platforms and content.
Web Advanced Training Materials
Web Content Best Practices/Writing for the Web
Here we will cover topics such as identifying your audience and what to do with that information; how writing for the web differs from traditional print or internal documentation; and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and page layout optimization tips.
Best Practices Training Materials
Web Accessibility
The Web Accessibility Guidelines training module introduces tools and techniques for trained web managers to ensure that their websites are accessible to users with disabilities and organized in a list of Confluence pages for easy access for all campus Web Managers.
One-on-One Web Help and Training Sessions
University Marketing and Communications offers one-on-one web help sessions for trained Web Managers to assist with content layout and design, site structure and navigation, Google Analytics, DubBot Web Governance, accessibility, Search Engine Optimization and other web related contacts.