Media Relations
University Marketing and Communications works proactively with the news media in order to maintain positive, mutually beneficial relationships on behalf of UWF. University Marketing and Communications is responsible for garnering local, regional and national media coverage for UWF and its divisions, departments and units through the distribution of press releases and media pitches; responding to media and public information requests; and serving as UWF spokespersons.
Media Relations Training
University Communications provides media training for faculty and staff to provide helpful tips and resources for representing the University and sharing key messages effectively during media interviews. For more information, please contact us at
Faculty and Staff Experts
As part of our media relations efforts, we are often seeking faculty or staff members to speak as experts on their subjects in response to specific media requests. As a routine procedure when seeking faculty and staff experts, we will contact the appropriate department chair or director first for recommendations of the best person to speak on a particular subject.
Media Relations Best Practices
In order to effectively maintain professional, open lines of communication with media outlets, University Marketing and Communications recommends that all faculty and staff adhere to the UWF Media Relations Best Practices.