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Event Submission Instructions

Step-by-step guide on how to submit events to the UWF Event Calendar.

Events submitted to the UWF Event Calendar must meet the event calendar guidelines and follow the below instructions. Failure to do so will result in the event submission rejected and returned for correction.

Public meeting notices should follow the instructions on the public meeting submissions webpage.

Only certain fields are currently marked as "required" on the event submission form. However, unless noted below, every field on the submission form is required for approval.

The following instructions are intended to help reach UWF event target audiences and effectively communicate event information. Please expand the collapsible text content below as you complete each corresponding section on the event submission form.

Please note the UWF Event Calendar is a public facing event calendar for the broader UWF community and viewable by the general public. The UWF Event Calendar does not accept event submissions promoting non-UWF events.

Event Submission Form

Event Name: For best functionality on the calendar platform, please keep event names under 50 characters if possible. Please utilize the Character Counter tool if helpful.

  • The event name can be longer than 50 characters with the submission, however, please note that longer event names have a chance of cutoff in different areas of the calendar and will include an ellipsis (...) at the cutoff point.

Event Description: The event description should be at least 160 characters for efficient promotion on the event calendar. Please utilize the Character Counter tool if helpful. The description of the event must also include the following information at a minimum.

  • Date, time and location of the event.
  • UWF unit organizing the event.
  • Details relevant to the intended / invited audience (students, faculty and staff, alumni and/or general public). See the Filters collapsible text section for more information.
  • If your event requires ticketing or registration, include that relevant information. See the Ticketing collapsible text section for more information.
  • Event contact name, email and phone number. You may include the contact information of the department organizing the event. Example: "Please contact Institutional Communications at or 850.474.2212 for more information."
  • The official UWF ADA statement will be auto added to the end of all event descriptions after submission.

As the event calendar is public facing for the broader UWF community and general public, the information included in the event description should make sense to individuals outside UWF as well as the department organizing the event.

Spell check and review the description for accuracy. The description field currently does not include a spell checker, however, Institutional Communications is in communication with the event calendar vendor regarding this update.

All event submissions are considered for publication at the discretion of Institutional Communications and may be edited to comply with the UWF Editorial Style Guide and web accessibility standards.

Please note the event description and unique event webpage link on the event calendar will be the same for each date in the schedule if multiple dates and times are included with the submission. If you include multiple dates and times with the Schedule, you must include all relevant schedule information in the event description.

Start Date: Enter date with the MM/DD/YYYY format. Please note that if you include a past date with the event submission, the submission will be auto rejected. Please review the date for accuracy before submitting.

Start Time: Include am or pm accordingly (example: 8 am).

End Time: Include am or pm accordingly (example: 2 pm).

Repeating: Only use if your event occurs on a repeating basis (example: second Monday of each month).

  • If Repeating is used, ensure the appropriate option is selected and that option is filled appropriately.
  • If your event occurs on multiple dates, but not on a repeating basis, do not use the Repeating feature. Instead, see Add Above to Schedule below.

Summary: The output of the above schedule inputted. Review for accuracy.

Add Above to Schedule: If the Summary output is accurate for your event, click the Add Above to Schedule button to confirm.

  • If your event occurs on multiple dates, you may include multiple dates with your submission. After you add one schedule, you may repeat the process above to add additional schedules. With each schedule input, ensure you click the Add Above to Schedule button and review the Summary for accuracy before submitting your event.

The UWF Event Calendar is integrated with the UWF Campus Map. With this integration, we are asking event locations to be submitted as follows with the event submission form. All location details must also be included in the event description.

Place: All submissions must follow one of the below options based on the location of your event. If the event is occurring at multiple locations (example Buildings 4, 22 and 76A), an event submission form must be submitted for each location. If your event is taking place in multiple sublocations within a single location (example Rooms 101 and 201 in Building 22), only one submission is needed, however, include the multiple sublocations in the Room field and the event description. If your event is taking place at a physical location, but includes an online or virtual component, include those relevant details in the event description.

  • UWF Location: Type and search for a UWF location by building number or name for the Pensacola campus, Historic Pensacola, or UWF downtown Pensacola properties. An embed from the UWF Campus Map of the UWF location will be included on the event webpage.
    • UWF Emerald Coast events at the Fort Walton Beach location will type and search for UWF Emerald Coast then select the entry with the appropriate building number. The room number may be entered in the Room field. Example: Room 101.
    • If your event is taking place in a sublocation at that UWF location, you may enter the sublocation in the Room field.
    • If you enter a custom location using the Use: [typed text] functionality for a UWF location, your event submission will be rejected and returned for correction. If the Address field autofills for you, you have entered the UWF location correctly for the Place field.
  • Non-UWF Location: If your event is taking place at a non-UWF location, such as the Pensacola Bay Center or Blue Wahoos Stadium, type the name of the location in the Place field then click Use: [typed text] to enter the location. Ensure the spelling and sentence casing is accurate for the location. A Google Maps embed will be included of the non-UWF location on the event webpage.
    • If your event is taking place in a sublocation at that non-UWF location, you may enter the sublocation in the Room field.
    • Enter the full and accurate address of the non-UWF location in the Address field including the city, state and zip code.
  • Online or Virtual: If your event is fully online or virtual, type to find and select the Online / Virtual location option in the Place field. Include relevant information on how to attend the event in the event description.
    • Leave the Room and Address fields blank for fully online and virtual events.


Room: If your event is taking place in a specific sublocation within a location, you may type the sublocation in this field. Ensure the spelling and sentence casing is accurate for the sublocation.

  • Examples of a sublocation could be the Great Hall in the University Commons or the Mainstage Theatre in the Center for Fine and Performing Arts.
  • Room numbers should include Room in front of the room or office number (example: Room 101).
  • If your event does not include a sublocation, leave the Room field blank.
  • If your event is fully online or virtual, leave the Room field blank.


Address: See below based on your respective action for the Place field.

  • If you selected a UWF location option, the Address field will autofill.
  • If you entered a non-UWF location, enter the full and accurate address of the location including the city, state and zip code.
  • If you selected the Online / Virtual location option, leave the Address field blank.

An event photo is encouraged, but not required with the submission form as the event calendar is set to follow a fallback photo chain. Utilize one of the following three options for your event submission’s photo.

Option 1 - Event Calendar Photo Library: A selection of generic UWF photos are available in the event calendar photo library for the campus to utilize with event submissions. The event calendar photo library may be accessed by clicking Choose from Photo Library.

Option 2 - UWF Photo Library: If you wish to upload a unique photo for your event, search for relevant photo options based on your event available on the UWF Photo Library. Submissions using a photo not from the UWF Photo Library will not be approved. Submissions using text-embedded photos or text-heavy graphics, such as flyers, will not be approved. All supplemental event details should be included in the description field and other appropriate fields on the submission form.

  1. A photo from the UWF Photo Library should be resized to the recommended size of 975 x 600 pixels.
    1. Adobe Photoshop is the gold standard for photo manipulation. Adobe Photoshop may be accessible to UWF students, faculty and staff through ArgoApps.
    2. Alternative options include Adobe Express, GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program),, Microsoft Paint, and Mac Preview.
  2. The submission form must include alternative text in the Photo Description field that will appear below the photo after uploaded. Most photos from the UWF Photo Library contain descriptions so you may use that description to help draft the alternative text.
    • Be aware of Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) concerns and do not mention any protected information or statuses in the alternative text, including student names, gender, age or any other protected information. For example, an appropriate description would be “student riding a bike” rather than “girl riding a bike” for an alternative text.
    • Phrases like “photo of” or “image of” in the alternative text are not necessary.
  3. Add the link to the photo from the UWF Photo Library to the UWF Photo Library Link field under Additional Details at the bottom of the submission form. If this link is not included in this field, the submission will not be approved.

Option 3 - Fallback Chain Photo: If the submission does not utilize either of the above options, the event submission will be auto assigned with a fallback chain photo based on the hierarchy criteria selected for department, group, event type, or place.

  • The fallback chain photo assigned for an event after submission may be changed. On the event webpage generated after submission, you may click the Edit Event button in the Event Tools section at the bottom of the webpage above the footer. You will now be able to edit the event details you entered with the event submission form including the photo. Follow the above instructions for either Event Calendar Photo Library or UWF Photo Library.

The Filters are searchable to help you find your selections for the respective field.

Event Type: Select the appropriate event type for your event. Multiple event types may be selected, however, we ask event submissions only select the best individual event type for the event.

Topic: Select the appropriate topic(s) for your event. Multiple topics may be selected, however, each selection should be appropriate and relevant for the event.

Audience: Select the appropriate audience(s) for your event.

  • If the event is only open to specific members of the UWF community (students, faculty and staff, and/or alumni), select the appropriate options(s).
  • If the event is open to the public and anyone may attend, select the three UWF community audience options as well as the general public option.
  • The event description should also include the relevant details of the intended / invited audience.

Department: Select an appropriate department hierarchy with your event submission. This hierarchy will allow for better functionality of calendar RSS feeds on UWF webpages.

  • Example 1: A Department of Biology event submission should include both Biology and Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering for the Department filter.
  • Example 2: A Counseling and Psychological Services event submission should include both Counseling and Psychological Services and Division of Academic Engagement and Student Affairs for the Department filter.
  • Example 3: A UWF Singers event submission should include UWF Singers for the Group (see below) and both Dr. Grier Williams School of Music and College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities for the Department filter.

Group: Not required for every submission as currently the event calendar includes groups for the UWF athletics teams and art performing groups (music, theatre, etc.). If your event submission is for one of these groups, select the appropriate group for your event.

  • The group options are not final and are subject to change and expand as deemed appropriate by Institutional Communications.
  • If your event submission is not for a currently available group, leave the Group field blank.

If your event is not ticketed or requires registration, leave both fields blank.

If your event is ticketed or requires registration, you may utilize the Ticketing section. Fill the Ticket Cost and Ticket Link fields appropriately for your event. All event ticketing or registration information must be included in the event description.

If your event requires registration, but is not ticketed, you may leave the Ticket Cost field blank. If the Ticket Cost field is left blank upon submission, the Buy Tickets link for the event on the calendar will update to Register. Ensure you include the registration link in the Ticket Link field.

If your event is free, but is ticketed, enter No Cost in the Ticket Cost field. Please note if you enter Free or $0 in the Ticket Cost field, the Buy Tickets link for the event on the calendar will update to Register. Ensure you include the registration link in the Ticket Link field.

Institutional Communications is not responsible for the accuracy of the displayed ticket prices, ticket/registration links, or availability of tickets or registration for approved events on the UWF Event Calendar. If the status of ticketing or registration changes for an event, the event submitter should contact Institutional Communications at with the event link and changes needed for ticketing or registration for the approved event on the event calendar.

Ticket Cost: Enter the event ticket dollar amount in this field.

  • If your event has ticket tiers, enter each tier with the dollar amount. Example: $8 General Public, $5 Student

Ticket Link: If your event has a website that will handle ticket sales, such as the University’s tickets website, enter the website URL.

  • If your event is ticketed, but does not have a website to handle ticket sales, leave this field blank.

Hashtag: Enter UWF in this field. The hashtag symbol (#) will be automatically added after submission to generate #UWF on the event webpage. The hashtag functionality on the event webpage will link to a Twitter search of the hashtag as a UWF event promotion tool.

Event Website: If your event has an external webpage, preferably a UWF managed webpage if possible, you may enter the full link in this field. Ensure the link is a working/active link before submitting your event.

  • Alternatively, you may include your department’s webpage link or redirect if your event does not have an external event webpage. Example: or
  • If you include a link in this field to an external event webpage, also include the link, preferably as an appropriate hyperlink, in the event description.

Department and University Approved Event?: All events must meet department and University event guidelines and have received appropriate approvals before they are submitted. If your event has done so, select the yes option.

Followed Event Calendar Submission Instructions?: Select the yes option if your event submission meets the calendar guidelines and followed the submission instructions on this webpage.

Is the General Public Invited to This Event?: If the general public is invited to the event, select the yes option for this question. If not, select the no option. Public meeting notices must select the yes option to comply with the Florida Sunshine Law.

Is This Event a Public Policy Event?: Select the yes or no option accordingly for this question.

  • The Office of Public Policy Events seeks to be a steward of education and civic engagement by providing opportunities for open discussion and debate on current public policy issues. These events are designed to provide a wide range of viewpoints and perspectives on relevant public policy issues through group forums and debates. Each debate or group forum will include speakers that represent widely held views from divergent and opposing perspectives. Any event that discusses relevant public policy issues, that promotes varying perspectives in a group, debate, or panel format may be considered a public policy event. Contact the Office of Public Policy Events for more information.

UWF Photo Library Link: See the Photo collapsible text section for more information. Only photos from the UWF Photo Library are accepted for calendar submissions.

  • If you included a unique photo upload from the UWF Photo Library with your event submission, include the link to the photo from the UWF Photo Library in this field.
  • If you did not upload a unique photo with your submission, type N/A in this field.

Submitting Your Event

After you follow the above instructions, you may submit the event for approval by clicking the Submit Event button. A preview webpage will load with the event details. The webpage will state “This event is currently waiting for admin approval.”

Review the preview webpage for accuracy. If you notice a mistake or an update is needed, you may click the Edit Event button in the Event Tools section at the bottom of the webpage above the footer. You will now be able to edit the event details you entered with the event submission form. If you make any changes, click the Save Pending Event button. If no changes are made, you may click the Cancel button.

For submitted events pending approval, disregard the User Activity section and do not enter any comments or questions. If you have questions regarding your event submission pending approval, contact

The auto generated webpage link will only work for you as the event submitter when you are signed in to the event calendar platform. Until the event submission is approved, the link will not work for anyone else as the event is not live. Please note the auto generated link may be updated during the approval review.

Allow up to one to two business days for your event to be approved to be live on the event calendar. If your event submission is approved, you will receive an email with the working link to the live event webpage.