Waste Management and Recycling
The contractor for the University of West Florida is Waste Pro. Services provided include trash pick-up, recycle pick-up and other special services.
Waste Management Schedule
The container pick-up schedule is as follows:
- Trash Dumpsters - Tuesday and Friday
- Recycle Dumpsters - Wednesday
- Recycle Carts (96 Gallon) - Friday
Other containers are serviced on an on-call basis.Please contact Facilities Management at 850.474.2007 to schedule a pick-up or to inquire about special containers.
Recycle Carts
Recycle carts are single stream containers provided for smaller recyclable material such as:
Paper (Loose and Shredded Paper MUST be Bagged), Cardboard, Plastic Bottles, Aluminum Cans, Books (See note below).
Heavy items are permitted, however, please fill no higher than halfway due to the extreme weight and difficulty in placing them outside. Use caution with heavy items.
If additional carts are needed, please contact the Facilities Management office at 850.474.2007.
Recycling at UWF
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
The choice is yours - save it or waste it.
Material accepted for recycling (recyclables):
- Paper
- Copy paper
- Notebook paper
- Envelopes
- Computer paper
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Cardboard
- Boxboard
- Cereal boxes
- Shoe boxes
- Most gift boxes
- Soda/beverage containers
- Food packaging containers (macaroni and cheese, rice, microwave meals)
Solid Waste
Items not accepted for recycling (solid waste):
- Styrofoam
- Cups
- Egg cartons
- take-out containers
- Plastic shopping bags
- Large plastic items (rigid plastics that are gallon-sized or smaller are okay)
- Glass
- Wire coat hangers
- Pizza boxes
- Food waste
- Garbage
- Large metal items
- Steel cans
- Aerosol cans (metals that are gallon-sized or smaller are okay)