Space Planning and Management
Space Planning, Interior Signage, and Leasing Information
Space Planning and Management
Space and Lease Management: Departments or customers requesting space on campus must initiate a space search by completing a Space Request form which can be found through MyUWF. Requestors should complete the form. Contact the Space Manager for assistance.
A space search and analysis will be initiated. If adequate space cannot be located on campus an off-campus search for leased space will ensue, pending approval from the requestor.
Interior Building Signage: Requests for interior building signage must be initiated by submitting a Project Request Form which can be found in MyUWF. Interior signage will follow the standard design identified in the University of West Florida Building Design and Construction Standards, Section 10440 - Signage. The department’s Space Manager manages all interior signage projects.
Leasing for University Academic and Storage Space is processed through Facilities Planning, Maintenance, & Construction. Leases must be initiated by completing a Lease Request.
A Facilities Project Request form will be required if renovations to the leased space are needed. All leased space renovation projects must be contracted and will require an approved lease agreement bearing the signatures of the General Counsel and the Vice President of Finance & Administration. Facilities Planning, Maintenance, & Construction will establish the project scope of work to suit the requirements of the requestor.
To understand the execution processes of leased property, departments may request a copy of the UWF Space Request and Lease Property FLOW CHART by calling 850.474.3427.