Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- FAC 1.001 Issuing and Updating Facilities SOP's
- FAC 1.002 Facilities Management New Employee Preparation
- FAC 1.003 Sick Leave, Tardiness and Excessive Absenteeism
- FAC 1.004 Facilities Staff Attire
- FAC 1.005 Hiring Process - Removed See HR Recruitment Policy
- FAC 1.006 FMLA - Removed See HR Leave Policy
- FAC 1.007 Lights Out Energy Savings Policy
- FAC 1.008 Accident Investigation Process
- FAC 1.009 Hurricane Tropical Storm Preparedness for Facilities' Equipment
- FAC 1.010 Vehicle Maintenance
- FAC 1.011 Refueling of University Vehicles
- FAC 1.012 Emergency Refueling of University Vehicles
- FAC 1.013 Hand Held Radio Use Protocol
- FAC 1.014 Entering Building and Room Information into TMA Relocated to FAC 3.021
- FAC 1.015 Work Order Prioritization Relocated to FAC 5.020
- FAC 1.016 Unidentifiable Packages Reloacted to FAC 4.020
- FAC 1.017 Campus Safety Assessment
- FAC 1.018 Drivers License Verification
- FAC 1.019 Hurricane Preparedness Plan
- FDO 2.001 Project Drawing Review
- FDO 2.002 Server Filing System and File Naming
- FAC 2.003 Delivery of Project Submittal Documents to UWF
- FAC 2.004 Facilities Construction Document Security Access
- FAC 2.005 Campus Facilities Site Map Updates/Maintenance
- FAC 2.006 Campus Utility Infrastructure Map Updates Maintenance
- FAC 2.007 Campus Building Roof Plans
- FAC 3.001 Project Design and Construction Services Contracting
- FAC 3.002 ADA Projects and Reasonable Accommodations
- FAC 3.003 Plans Examination and Permitting Procedures
- FAC 3.005 Interior Finish Standards
- FAC 3.006 Project Folder Contents Checklists
- FAC 3.007 Project Pre-Construction Procedures
- FAC 3.008 Major Construction Project Update to Campus
- FAC 3.009 Construction Safety
- FAC 3.010 Job Order Contract (JOC) Negotiations
- FAC 3.011 UWF Dig Procedures
- FAC 3.012 - Document Procedure to Identify Underground Utilities
- FAC 3.013 UWF Construction Project Cost Database
- FDO 3.014 Facilities Risk Management Process
- FAC 3.015 Off Hour Construction Access
- FAC 3.019 Purchase Orders for Professional Services
- FAC 3.020 Contractor Access to Secured Areas
- FAC 3.021 Consistency in Entering Bldg and Room Information into TMA
- FAC 3.023 New Equipment and Vehicle ID Numbers Relocated to FAC 5.024
- FAC 3.024 TMA Project Warranty Procedure
- FAC 3.025 Operating Budget Purchase Requisition Procedure
- FAC 3.026 Project Change Request
- FAC 3.027 Labor Burden Rates
- FAC 3.028 Liquidated Damages
- FAC 3.029 Administration of Construction Agreements for Construction Manager & D/B Services
- FAC 4.000 Building Services Unit Standard Work Day
- FAC 4.001 Building Services Key Assignment and Control
- FAC 4.002 (FDO 3.102) External Cigarette Urn Cleaning DELETED - Tobacco Free Campus
- FAC 4.003 Standardization for the Removal of Water in Carpets
- FAC 4.004 Procedures for Inspecting Electric Cleaning Equipment
- FAC 4.005 Cleaning Entrance Ways
- FAC 4.006 Cleaning Laboratories Containing Chemicals
- FAC 4.007 - Cleaning Restrooms
- FAC 4.008 Cleaning Classroom Facilities
- FAC 4.009 Cleaning Locker Rooms and Changing Rooms
- FAC 4.010 Cleaning Office Space
- FAC 4.011 Cleaning Public Circulation Areas
- FAC 4.012 Replenish Custodial Cart
- FAC 4.013 Terrazzo Floor Care
- FAC 4.014 Cleaning Stairwells
- FAC 4.015 Unlocking of Building Entrance Doors
- FAC 4.016 Security of Custodial Spaces
- FDO 3.117 Moving Services Information
- FDO 3.118 In - House Pesticide Application Procedures for Grounds Maintenance
- FDO 3.119 Cleaning Sewage Spills
- FAC 4.020 Unidentifiable Packages
- FAC 4.021 State Tags, Decals, and Logos
- FAC 5.001 Maintenance of Fire Suppression Equipment
- FAC 5.002 Forklift Truck Operations
- FAC 5.003 Sewer Camera Operating Procedures
- FAC 5.005 Roof Drain Test Procedures Post Maintenance & Repair
- FAC 5.006 Interior Re-Lamp
- FAC 5.007 Building 95A Bulb and Ballast Storage
- FAC 5.008 Securing Campus Facility Utility, Water, HVAC, and Gas Entrance Valves
- FAC 5.009 Battery Testing - Fire Alarm Panels
- FAC 5.010 Fire Alarm System and Fiber Optics Communication Lines
- FAC 5.011 Exterior Relamp
- FAC 5.012 4' Sheet Metal Break
- FAC 5.013 Troubleshooting Campus Flushometers
- FAC 5.014 Power Feed 80-E Sewer Operating Instructions
- FAC 5.015 Fire Alarm Indicating Devices - Supervised
- FAC 5.016 Procedure for Inspecting Ladders
- FAC 5.017 Securing Potable Water, Building 22
- FAC 5.018 Maintenance Stockroom
- FAC 5.019 Key Requests, Issuance and Control
- FAC 5.020 Work Order Prioritization
- FAC 5.021 Ladder use
- FAC 5.022 Electrical Hazard Prevention
- FAC 5.023 Unscheduled Power Outage -Work Control Guidelines
- FAC 5.024 New Equipment and/or Vehicle ID Numbers
- FAC 6.001 Utilities Housekeeping Duties
- FAC 6.002 Utilities Trouble Call Log Sheet
- FAC 6.003 Routine Emergency Generator Operation and Maintenance Checks
- FAC 6.004 Emergency Generator Fuel Records
- FAC 6.005 Routine Air Compressor and Compressed Air Drier Operation
- FAC 6.006 Siemens BAS Manual Control of Hot and Chilled Water Valves
- FAC 6.007 Manual Chiller Start-Up in Building 40
- FAC 6.008 Changing Bag Filters on Hot Water Circulating System
- FAC 6.009 Changing Bag Filters on Cold Water Circulating System
- FAC 6.010 Lockout Tagout
- FAC 6.011 High Voltage Switch Operation Safety Procedures
- FAC 6.012 Central Energy Plant Boiler Operation
- FAC 6.013 Using the Wacker PD-3 Portable Pump
- FAC 6.014 Portable Fuel Oil Tank Operations
- FAC 6.015 Access to Water Tank for Cell Phone Companies
- FAC 6.016 Water Tank By-Pass/Off Line
- FAC 6.017 Potable Water System Sampling Plan and Protocols
- FAC 6.018 Storing, Handling and Changing Out Chlorine Gas Cylinders
- FAC 6.019 Daily Check of Portable Water at No. 2 and No. 4 Wells
- FAC 6.020 After Hours Trouble Concerning Potable Water Wells
- FAC 6.021 Fire Hydrant Flushing Procedure
- FAC 6.022 Access to Control Room