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Facilities Planning & Construction

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Project Planning & Management

The Project Planning & Management function is carried out by a staff of professionally trained and experienced project managers. Requests for their services come from a variety of internal sources ranging from work orders for building improvements, outright capital project requests from users, and the multi-year capital improvements plan by which the University operates and is funded.

What constitutes a project? A project is work that includes improvements or alterations beyond the existing condition of a space or building.

‌Funding Sources utilized for campus projects:

P.E.C.O Minor Project / Formula Funded: The State Legislature annually provides a limited budget for small projects. Funding includes the categories of Maintenance, Repair, Renovations and Remodeling (minor projects), Life Safety, ADA Compliance, and Capital Renewal projects. The Facilities Planning Advisory Committee identifies and recommends uses for this fund type each year to the President's Cabinet. Users that request this funding type must submit proposals through the Facilities Planning Advisory Committee cycle utilizing an “E & G Capital Request Form": AEP2 Request for Funds

Major Capital Projects (New Construction): Board of Trustee Approved legislative funding appropriations.

Foundation Gifts/Donations: Some projects are funded through the University Foundation.

Department Funded: Projects that will be department funded must be initiated by the department, which should submit a “Construction Project and Space Request Form": ” Facilities Planning & Construction will meet with you to assist in determining the scope of and budget requirements.

Facilities Planning & Construction will provide services to the customer for their furniture projects dealing with space studies renovations, egress clearance requirements, ADA access compliance, power/data/phone outlet location coordination, etc.

Building Code Requirements: All projects on campus will be designed and constructed in compliance with all applicable codes and in accordance with the Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) on the University of West Florida campus. Most projects require permits and inspection from the Escambia County Building Code Official (BCO) and the Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Associated permitting fees from the BCO and State Fire Marshal are part of the project budget. Facilities Planning & Construction coordinates this process for all projects, regardless of fund origin.

Construction Change Orders: Change Orders are the means by which a project’s scope, budget or schedule is changed. Often, a project’s scope is revised after the initial scope meeting. Such revisions may either increase or decrease the cost of the project depending on that scope change. The project manager uses change orders to track changes in the cost. It is not uncommon during a renovation project for costs to increase due to what is considered “unforeseen” or “hidden” conditions. Change orders are utilized for contracts and purchase orders.

NOTE - Off-hour building access for contractors or vendors must be obtained through the UWF Police Department and must have the project manager’s approval. 

Consultants: The University maintains Professional Service Agreements for the services of Civil Engineering and Surveying; Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Engineering; Architectural Services; and Environmental Services. The services of consultants are utilized for projects, depending upon whether the scope and the professional fees become part of the project budget.

Contractors: The University also maintains agreements with general, mechanical, electrical and civil contractors for projects. 

Design & Survey Records Management

Design & Survey Records Management serves as a vital records management function for the university, maintaining an up-to-date record of its physical plant and properties. These records are vital to planning, designing, modifying, maintaining, repairing, and management of the physical campus. Where such records do not exist, the cost to resurvey and reconstitute these same building records would run into the millions of dollars. This area also manages the survey and documentation of underground utilities and property survey data utilizing GPS (Global Position System), GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) and CAD (Computer Aided Design) technology of underground utilities.

In order to ensure consistent delivery of project documents to our office, Facilities Management requests that all project documents be delivered to Dan Parker, Senior Engineering Technician/Designer – Design & Survey Records, in building 90, room 101. This ensures that your delivery is “checked-in” and will be distributed to the individual noted on your transmittal. All deliveries must have a transmittal attached, listing the project manager, design phase, and UWF project number as well as the content of the delivery. Documents are received between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

A/E contract close-out Record Drawings will be submitted to the Design & Survey Records office at the end of each project. A/E shall update their respective models or AutoCAD drawing files with contractor recorded changes. Republish record documents. Submit (as agreed upon at time of negotiation) full BIM model with all needed objects and reference drawings, hard copy as-built set of plans, PDF files, and AutoCAD files matching hard copy sheets, Mechanical Specifications, O&M Manuals, Telecom Report, Test & Balance Report, Roof documents, and all Warranties. The Project Manager cannot release final payment for design until this documentation is received.

Facilities Management thanks you in advance for your assistance in conforming to our policies for documentation. See Standard Operating Procedure FAC 2.003 Delivery of Project Submittal Documents to UWF regarding document delivery procedure. See Standard Operating Procedure FDO 2.001 Project Drawing Review regarding project document review.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call Dan Parker, 850.474.2817 or e-mail:

Architectural, Structural & Mechanical Drawings

For help with architectural, structural, and mechanical drawings for all UWF buildings or for campus maps, please contact Dennis Solis at 850.474.2760 or Dan Parker, 850.474.2817. Please email either at

Site & Survey Information

For help with site and survey information at UWF, please contact Dennis Solis at 850.474.2760 or Dan Parker, 850.474.2817. Please email either at

Space Planning and Management

Lease Management: Departments or customers requesting space on campus must initiate a space search by completing a Space Request Form. Requestors should complete the form, obtain signatures, and submit either by internal mail or email. Electronic signatures are accepted.

A space search and analysis will be initiated once the Space Request is received by Space Management. If adequate space cannot be located on campus an off-campus search for leased space will ensue, pending approval from the requestor.

Interior Building Signage: Requests for interior building signage must be initiated by submitting a Facilities Work Order or a Facilities Project Request Form. Interior signage will follow the standard design identified in the University of West Florida's University Building Design & Construction Standards, "Section 10440 - Signage". The department’s Space Manager manages all interior signage projects. Facilities Project Request

Leasing for University Academic and Storage Space is processed through Facilities Planning, Maintenance, & Construction. Please submit either a Facilities Lease Request or a Space Request Form. All leased space must be contracted and requires an approved lease agreement bearing the signatures of the General Counsel and the Vice President of Finance & Administration.

If required, Facilities Planning, Maintenance, & Construction will establish any renovation requirements to suit the needs of the requestor.

Need Maintenance Service Quickly? Call 850.857.6000 or complete a Facilities Work Order