Operating Budget Funded Responsibilities
Is this request funded by the Education and General maintenance budget? What items are included in maintenance? What items are excluded from Utilities and Facilities Maintenance Funding?
Is this request funded by the Education and General maintenance budget?
Questions frequently arise on campus regarding where responsibility lies for the maintenance and repair of existing buildings and equipment. The following explains items funded from the recurring maintenance operating budget and the rationale behind it. If the explanation below does not meet your particular situation or a more detailed explanation is desired, please contact Facilities Maintenance, Building 91, 850.474.3248 or Facilities Management, Building 90, 850.474.2007.
Items included in maintenance
UWF Facilities Maintenance is funded to make repairs for existing permanent Education and General (E & G) funded facilities by the state or general revenue, including campus grounds, used for academic or administrative functions. This budget is supplemented by annual Legislative appropriations from Public Education Capital Outlay (PECO) Maintenance, Repair, Remodel, Renovation, and Site Improvements (MRRR) funds for selected items. Facilities Maintenance retains updated condition assessments of selected recurring and/or replacement priority lists. These items are funded within the available resources of E&G funds and PECO MRRR funds. The lists are as follows: a) floor covering, b) painting and c) sidewalks.
Maintenance includes all items related to routine repair of existing buildings and structures, including normally recurring repairs and preventive maintenance.The quantity/volume of what maintenance can be accomplished within the items is limited by available budget resources. The following maintenance items are included:
- Interior and exterior of buildings;
- Plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and ventilation;
- Electrical repairs of all types including primary and secondary systems, certain lamp replacements (requiring special ladders and rigging) and maintenance of outdoor lighting fixtures (excluding energy costs);
- Exterior painting;
- Hardware, locks, keys, closers and records for same;
- Roofing and sheet metal work, including downspouts and gutters;
- Elevators
- Utility distribution systems inside and outside of buildings — electrical, heating, process steam, water lines, gas lines and sewer lines (storm and sanitary);
- Operating and replacement costs of all equipment, materials and tools used in UWF Facilities and Utilities maintenance.
Note: Project work that includes improvements or alterations beyond the existing condition is not funded by this annual operating resources.
Items excluded from Facilities Maintenance Funding
There are a variety of facilities and equipment within General Fund buildings that are excluded from state maintenance funding. These exclusions include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Department inventoried equipment
- Distilled water systems
- Compressed air systems and other air supply systems not intended for building environmental (heating and ventilating) control
- Vacuum systems
- Movable furniture (classroom seating, tables, and podiums), fixtures, and equipment
- Fixed and movable Information Technology Services Equipment, data and telephone systems; wire, fiber optics and wireless media needed to support data and telephone systems
There is another easy way to identify the exclusions.
Visualize a common classroom or office building devoid of furniture, office machines, laboratories, people, programs, computers and similar features. For example, imagine the classrooms of the Science and Engineering or College of Business Education Center, between semesters, emptied of furniture and audio-visual equipment.
Anything added to these buildings will be outside the funded responsibility of Utilities and Facilities Maintenance resource. Also excluded from FDO Utilities and Facilities Maintenance funded services are facilities with other sources of funds, such as bond revenue residence halls.
How the guidelines were developed and questions.
Florida Statute 1013 was used to develop the guidelines. If the above guidelines do not address a particular situation or a more detailed explanation is desired, contact you may contact Facilities Management at 850.474.2007 or email facilities@uwf.edu.