About Us

The mission of the University of West Florida’s Alumni Association is to create a lifelong and worldwide community of alumni through increased opportunities for meaningful engagement in order to increase awareness, pride, participation, volunteer involvement, and philanthropic commitment to UWF.
What does the Alumni Association do?
- Fosters a spirit of fellowship with and loyalty to the University
- Cultivates leadership and financial support for University priorities
- Seeks to increase the percentage of alumni involved in on- and off-campus programs
- Identifies and cultivates future alumni leaders
- Provides insight and resources to secure mentoring, internship and employment opportunities for current students and alumni
Are all alumni considered members?
Yes. All UWF graduates are automatically members of the Alumni Association. There are no dues to join or belong. The Alumni Association is governed by the UWF Alumni Board of Directors.
What are the benefits of membership?
All alumni have access to numerous benefits just for being graduates of UWF. Sustaining Alumni get additional exclusive perks. Visit the Alumni Benefits page to learn more about your benefits and how to become a Sustaining Alumni.
How can Alumni Association members help UWF?
As proud UWF graduates and members of the Alumni Association, you can help maintain strong connections to your alma mater by attending UWF events regularly and staying in touch with your classmates. We maintain a database of more than 65,000 living alumni. Please be sure to keep your mailing address, phone number and e-mail address up to date with the Alumni Office. Visit the Update Your Alumni Information page to learn more and update your contact information.
In addition, annual gifts to UWF are encouraged to ensure that future generations of students receive the same excellent education that you enjoyed. Tuition covers only part of the cost of an UWF education. UWF relies on the generosity of alumni, parents and friends for the remaining support.
Where is the Alumni Relations office located?
Alumni Relations is located in Building 12 on the Pensacola Campus at 11000 University Parkway. Alumni are welcome to visit Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.