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Anayet Etxegibel Riezu


Anayet is currently pursuing her master's degree in College Student Affairs and Administration. Her passion lies in fostering student development and creating transformative educational experiences.

She is a graduate in teaching and holds a special affinity for Teaching English as a Second Language, a subject close to her heart. Currently, Anayet serves as an instructor in the Intensive English program at UWF. Simultaneously, she holds the role of Graduate Assistant at the Kugelman Honors Program, where her focus is on student development. 

Anayet is from the Basque Country, Spain, and speaks fluent Spanish, English, and Basque, something that awakens her desire to bridge both linguistic and cultural divides on campus. Through her work, she shows dedication to creating inclusive environments that foster meaningful exchanges among students. She is driven by a commitment to promoting cultural diversity and enriching the educational experiences of students in higher education.