CompCon is a composition and rhetoric conference dedicated to first-year composition students at UWF. Check back for information about future conferences.
Join Us for CompCon
CompCon is a student-based conference where first-year composition students at UWF can share and celebrate their writing. This year's theme is Process over Product, so join us and explore the writing process and resulting products.
A local, student-based conference that is specifically geared to first-year composition students allows you to enter the academic and professional arena that you are now a part of at UWF. This opportunity will help you begin your professional journey in a friendly, familiar place. CompCon is designed so that students can present partial or final work from both ENC 1101 and ENC 1102. Learn from your peers' writing processes; celebrate writing; and engage in interactive panels. You can present in one of the many panels. You can listen to your peers present work. You can attend informational workshops. All of this and more will be available to you at CompCon.
The conference will consist of a full day of student presentations, roundtables, and workshops. The special event for the afternoon is our keynote session with Dr. Susan James. Hang out with fellow first-year composition students and participate in the variety of events that the conference has to offer.
Information about past conferences here.
Here's What You Need to Know
All panels, aside from the final paper panel, operate similar to workshops so that presenters and audience members collaborate. As a presenter, you need to prepare for your panel well ahead of time. Come prepared with questions for your work in progress, and make these questions relate to the panel topic. See the "Presenters" section on what you need to wear and information on how to present if you are a final paper presenter.
Panels start on the hour, so make sure to arrive well ahead of time. Showing up late for your own panel is unprofessional and is rude toward your fellow presenters and audience members. When you arrive, find the registration desk and sign in. We will direct you to your panel room and answer any other questions that you may have. We plan to post the detailed panel schedule on October 21, so check back with us soon to know what time your panel is.
Panels function much like workshops, meaning that panel presenters are seeking help in a panel topic area. As an attendee of a panel, you are encouraged to provide feedback for a presenter on the panel topic. We do ask that you register to attend a panel using the form at the bottom of this webpage.
Arrive at a panel on time and do not interrupt the session. Arrive at least fifteen minutes early to your panel and sign in at the registration desk when you arrive. Panels start on the hour. You will know that a panel is not in session if the door to the panel room is open; a closed door means that the panel is still in session. We hope to see you at CompCon!
Because of the professional nature of academic conferencing, we recommend that presenters wear business or business-casual clothing to CompCon. If you are presenting in the final paper presentation panel, we also suggest that you practice presenting your paper before you attend. Reading your paper out loud multiple times prior to your presentation will build your confidence and ensure you do not trip over words as you read. You can also practice engaging with your audience by looking up at various points as you read your paper. If you are presenting in any other panel, we also ask that you practice reading your paper portion out loud and come to CompCon with specific panel- and topic-related questions in mind. Familiarity with your paper and topic will benefit both you and your audience.
If you still have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact either your professor or one of the conference organizers for more presentation tips.
What time should I arrive for CompCon?
If you are a presenter or audience member, arrive at least fifteen minutes early before your panel starts. Presenters must sign in at the registration desk before going in to their panel.
Will lunch be provided?
We will have a lunch provided at the conference. Please indicate on the conference registration form that you are planning to attend lunch.
What do I do when I arrive at CompCon?
If you are a presenter, volunteer, or audience member, the first thing you need to do is sign in at the registration desk. We will direct you from there. Please be aware that a panel is in session if a conference room door is closed, and you will not be allowed to enter once a panel has started. If the door is open when you arrive, you are welcome to enter and wait for the panel to begin.
What do I do if I want to attend the keynote event only?
Simply sign in at the registration desk, and we will direct you from there.
What are the benefits for attending CompCon?
Whether you are presenting, volunteering, or attending the conference, CompCon introduces you to academic conferences, which you might participate in during your college career. Most undergraduate and graduate students graduate with one conference under their belt, and academic institutions and job fields look highly on this achievement. Imagine what they would think if you attended two conferences! Let CompCon be your first conference and prepare you for the conference life. Below, we have a sample CV/résumé line for you, so add it to your CV or résumé after you present, attend, or volunteer at the conference. You can also use the examples listed here.
CompCon 2017. Panel Title or Work Title. University of West Florida, November 2017.
What do I need to do as a volunteer?
If you are volunteering at CompCon, you will need to be in touch with the conference organizers. After submitting your Volunteer Interest form, we will be contacting you through email to set confirm times and responsibilities. When you arrive at CompCon to volunteer, sign in at the registration desk, and we will assign you a task.
Check back soon for future agendas

2017 Keynote Speaker
Speaker: Dr. Susan James
Title of Session: Shoveling Sand in Order to Build Castles: The Importance of Process in Writing
Writing is a process. Some texts and programs suggest four steps; others, five or even six. The names of the steps may vary, but all are important in this wonderfully creative and recursive process. Just like when first learning to build sand castles, writers need mentors for guidance and tools and supplies that can enhance their work. In her role as the Director of the Emerald Coast National Writing Project at UWF, Dr. James will draw parallels between the process of writing and that of building sandcastles.
Register to Present or Attend
Check back for future registration information.
Sign Up to Volunteer
Check back for future volunteer information.
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding CompCon, contact us at composition@uwf.edu