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Public administration is at the crossroads of the social sciences and business. UWF's public administration minor is an essential field that can further your career goals with better understanding of management practices in organizations.

Why Study Public Administration at UWF?

Effective administration of government, its agencies and public service organizations is essential for democracy. UWF also has a nationally recognized Master of Science in Administration with a specialization in Public Administration.

Our public administration minor is flexible. You will take two core public policy courses and choose an additional two courses among offerings in law, criminology, organizational behavior and communication and policy.

What You Will Learn

You will examine the administration of government and public service organizations. The courses offer both traditional and contemporary concepts and practical applications of administration, including overview of New Public Management, various administrative theories, ethics, and sustainability.

You will study how public policy and policy decisions are made, including local, state and national level of governments. The minor in public administration offers focus on current issues, events, the role of elected and appointed officials, bureaucracy and the public.

UWF offers classes through various delivery methods, including face-to-face, hybrid, and online. Though UWF makes every effort to provide on-campus classes in face-to-face programs, there is a possibility that some classes will have limited availability and may be offered online only. For more information, please review the modes of delivery and instructional methods.