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Business Administration

The faculty in the Department of Business Administration have had several years of professional work experience in the areas in which they teach. As a result, many have won university-level teaching and research awards, and many have won awards within the Lewis Bear Jr. College of Business.

headshot of Dr. Batchelor
Dr. John H. Batchelor, Department of Business Administration Chair

Award-winning faculty lead Department of Business Administration

Most of the faculty in the Department of Business Administration have several years of professional work experience in the areas in which they teach. As a result, many have won university-level teaching and research awards, and many have won awards within the Lewis Bear Jr. College of Business. They also publish and consult widely, nationally, and internationally, and hold positions of responsibility in national professional organizations. Thus, they bring a great deal of depth and relevance to their classroom teaching.

Human resources is one of the fastest growing professions in the U.S. Businesses need people qualified to manage their human resources department. Our Human Resource Management program features courses rich with high-impact practices, taught by instructors who foster a supportive learning environment while emphasizing quality work and high standards.

You will become skilled in identifying and conquering issues in human resources management, accomplishing performance goals in organizations and applying principles of group and individual dynamics through collaboration and teamwork.

Every organization, company, department, or group, whether large or small, needs people who will provide leadership. These people set goals, develop plans, organize teams, implement plans, monitor progress, and take corrective action when needed. The Management major is for those people who want to perform this critical function for an organization or its sub-units.

The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree with a major in Management builds administrative competence for careers in industrial, service, governmental, educational, and other settings. The orientation is toward effective utilization of resources and information in a complex, changing environment.

Businesses need people who can use or develop computer based systems to improve business processes, solve business problems, and/or provide information to help managers make better decisions. The MIS major is best suited for those who desire the challenge of solving complex business problems using computer systems. The major prepares you for many jobs including that of a Systems Analyst. U.S. News and World Report magazine calls Systems Analyst the most offshore resistant computer related career.

The B.S.B.A. degree with a major in Management Information Systems (MIS) emphasizes information as a resource to be managed, planned, and controlled in much the same way as other organizational resources. This program of study presents the concepts and methods of analyzing, designing, planning, and managing simple or complex information systems within an organization. In addition, MIS emphasizes the managerial aspects of information systems by providing a base of business instruction common to the Lewis Bear Jr. College of Business program. The MIS program makes heavy use of a dedicated Business Systems Design laboratory housing equipment supported by MIS alumni donations.

Small and medium-sized businesses look for graduates who have cross functional skills across multiple disciplines because such employees are flexible and provide the great advantage that they can be deployed in many different ways and in many different functions. The General Business major develops abilities across multiple business disciplines including Management, Marketing, and Finance/Economics to meet this important need. The General Business major is for those people who want to provide the employer with broad business abilities so that they may support the business in its area of maximum need. According to an article on Yahoo.Net, Business is considered, by employers, to be the most versatile degree.

Ability to work with and through people, plan for an uncertain future, develop strategy for the market place, gather and utilize information, function in a global environment, and integrate cross functional perspectives into business decision making are important credentials in today's globally competitive environment. All these are included in the preparation of the general business degree. The orientation of this degree is towards effective management of resources, adoption of market orientation, and understanding of financial and/or economic implications of business decisions.


  • Undergraduate Programs
  • Minors
  • Certificate Programs

AACSB, Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, Accredited logo.

Accredited by AACSB International

We are accredited by AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Fewer than 4.7% of business schools worldwide have earned this symbol of the highest standard in management education.