Dr. Chula King
- Accounting '77; MBA '78
Dr. Chula King is a professor in the Department of Accounting and Finance and a frequent researcher of issues involving technology. She is also an Educational Technology Faculty Fellow.
Throughout her career, King has been known as someone who doesn’t say no when asked to step in or do something.
King was an early adopter of the utilization of technology to enhance her students’ educational experiences. Since the 1990’s she has created and taught numerous hybrid and fully online classes in accounting, financial management and international business.
In addition to her use of technology in the classroom, Dr. King has served as a frequent resource for her colleagues regarding the incorporation of technology in the classroom as well as the utilization of innovative hardware and software tools to enhance instruction and accessibility.
King has taught a wide range of courses at UWF including financial accounting, cost accounting, taxation, international accounting, international business, financial management, governmental accounting and accounting information systems. She has also taught internationally in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany and Finland.
Her research interests include ethics, privacy, technological changes and accessibility in education. Other areas include privacy and security issues for operating in cyberspace, cheating in online exams, student attitudes towards intellectual honesty, the international dimensions of accounting and the professor’s changing role in accounting education.
Her published works include “Online Exams and Cheating: An Empirical Analysis of Business Students’ Views,” “Ethics Education for CPAs: A Growing Trend,” “Using Technology to Leverage your Lectures’ Stickiness.,” and “The Full Circle: Incorporating Online Teaching Strategies into the Traditional Face-to-Face Classroom.” She also has contributed chapters or case studies to books on International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition, Accounting for Proprietorships and Partnerships, and the Choice between Alternatives on Admission to Partnership.
Privacy is one of her specialties, as King has researched changes in Internet privacy among Global Fortune 500 firms as well as students’ expectations of privacy in the digital age.
Notwithstanding her educational and research pursuits, King is perhaps best known for her leadership roles at UWF. Throughout her career, she has served as the Chair of numerous committees and task forces including President of Faculty Senate, Chair of the COB Council, Chair of the COB Personnel Committee, University Marshal, Chief Negotiator with UFF for the University and Chair of the Intellectual Property Workgroup.
She has served three different times as Chair of the Department of Accounting and Finance, as Interim Chair of Global Hospitality and Tourism Management and as Provost of the University of West Florida.
King’s Ph.D. from Louisiana State University had a major in Accounting with an emphasis in taxation and a minor in quantitative methods. She is also a Certified Public Accountant in the state of Florida.