Ethics in Business Award

A "Combined Rotary of Pensacola Ethics in Business Award" will be given to one individual from the small business sector (49 or fewer employees) and one individual from the large business sector (50 or more employees) to recognize those who exemplify the concept of "service above self" and who work to build a positive sense of worth within both the business community and the broader community as a whole.
Nominees will be selected for the awards based on the following criteria:
- Adherence to the high ethical standards of honesty, integrity and consistency in dealing with employees, contractors and customers, while positively enhancing the economic well-being of the firm's stakeholders and providing jobs, opportunities and profits
- Participation in activities that are beneficial to the community beyond the provision of economic benefits
- Service as a leader or innovator in the firm's business sector
Those nominated for the award should adhere to the ethical standards established by the Rotary Four-Way Test:
- Is it the truth?
- Is it fair to all concerned?
- Will it build goodwill and better friendship?
- Will it be beneficial to all who are concerned?
Nomination Forms and Deadlines
Nomination forms may be:
- Picked up at any Rotary Club in Santa Rosa or Escambia Counties or at the UWF Lewis Bear Jr. College of Business, 11000 University Parkway, Pensacola, Building 76A.
- Download as a PDF file by clicking this link: Ethics in Business Nomination Form.
The award is sponsored by the Combined Rotary of Pensacola and the University of West Florida Lewis Bear Jr. College of Business. For more information, contact Rick Fountain at 850.474.3352 or Ted Kirchharr, Combined Rotary of Pensacola, at 850.341.4674.
Previous Winners
- Small Business: Nan DeStafney
- Large Business: Bobby Potomski
- Small Business: Brian Wyer
- Large Business: Allison Hill
- Small Business: Rodney Rich and Kerry Anne Schultz
- Large Business: Dr. Ed Ranelli
- Small Business: Steve Moorhead
- Large Business: Sally Fox
- Small Business: Gerald Adcox
- Large Business: Dale Duce
- Small Business: David Apple
- Large Business: Olevia McNally
- Small Business: Nan DeStafney
- Large Business: Buzz Ritchie
- Small Business: Connie Bookman
- Large Business: William J. Dunaway
- Small Business: Dick Appleyard
- Large Business: Dr. Judith Bense
- Small Business: Heidi Blair
- Large Business: Michael Murdoch
- Small Business: Andrea Krieger
- Large Business: Ted Kirchharr
- Small Business: Ron Gillette
- Large Business: Edwin "Buz" Eddy
- Small Business: Chris Jones
- Large Business: Quint and Rishy Studer
- Small Business: Ed Gray
- Large Business: Sandy Sansing
- Small Business: Joseph Carson
- Large Business: Donna Fassett
- Small Business: Malcolm Ballinger
- Large Business: Dr. Robert Harriman