Chemistry Club

The UWF Chemistry Club is open to all those who are interested in supporting and promoting the sciences.
Chemistry Club
The UWF Chemistry Club is open to all those who are interested in supporting and promoting the sciences. You don't have to be a chemistry major to join. The Club supports undergraduate students, their faculty, and local section members in promoting professional development, mentoring, and peer-support mechanisms for those majoring in the chemical sciences.
We strongly encourage all members to join the American Chemical Society.
"ACS is a congressionally chartered independent membership organization which represents professionals at all degree levels and in all fields of chemistry and sciences that involve chemistry." - American Chemical Society Website
Giving students a professional edge, student membership in the ACS allows students to network with top professionals, attend scientific meetings, and directly access research. Affiliates also enjoy substantial discounts on ACS journals, Chemical & Engineering News, four issues of the undergraduate career magazine in Chemistry, career, and employment services, and the Directory of Experience Opportunities that lists co-ops, internships, and summer jobs for undergraduate chemical science students. Student membership in the ACS is $24 per year, and scholarships are available. Please contact the faculty adviser.