Program Details
Credit Hours: 33
Course Length: 16 weeks
Estimated Program Length: 24 months
Next Application Deadline: See Application Deadlines quicklink
Program duration may depend on course load and availability. Consult with your advisor.
Are you ready to be in the room where it happens — managing a campaign, studying pressing policy issues, leading a staff or running for elected office? If so, UWF's Master's in Political Science can start you on the path to making a difference in the world.
Why Study Political Science at UWF?
Our program will prepare you to be a skilled analyst of local, national and international issues. It is designed for students interested in the study of political behavior, government and institutions, security issues and public policy-making, both within the U.S. and globally.
Our focus is on training you for a career or career advancement, in addition to preparing students for doctoral programs or law school.
Students can apply for a graduate assistantship to work with faculty on research, with a half tuition waiver and additional hourly pay.
What You Will Learn
Our two-year program covers American politics, international relations, comparative politics, political theory and research methods. You will build skills in critical thinking, communication, and analysis while examining key questions surrounding government and policy-making.
Our program will train you to articulate and compare theories of political power and institutions; synthesize theory, evidence and applications to produce a conclusion or solution; and present and defend your written work orally.
After a core of foundational political science courses, you will choose either the thesis or non-thesis option. In the thesis option, you will choose nine hours of department-approved electives before writing a thesis project with the guidance of your faculty advisor. In the non-thesis option, you will choose 15 credit hours of political science electives. The non-thesis option is capped with a Comprehensive Exam Standards, both written and oral.
UWF offers classes through various delivery methods, including face-to-face, hybrid, and online. Though UWF makes every effort to provide on-campus classes in face-to-face programs, there is a possibility that some classes will have limited availability and may be offered online only. For more information, please review the modes of delivery and instructional methods.
You will attend live lectures, during the scheduled course time, and enjoy face-to-face interaction with other students and faculty in real time.