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Sights and Sounds

The Argo Marching Band features students from a variety of disciplines.

Make the Argo Fight Song Your Ringtone

The official University of West Florida Fight Song is available to download! Save the M4A or M4R file, download it to your phone and set it as your ringtone. No matter where you go, everyone will hear your Argo Pride. 

Download Now

Words and Music by Joseph T. Spaniola (BMI)

Argos clad in green and blue.

Standing steadfast valiant and true.

Strength and might, an awesome sight,

The Pride of West Florida! (Go Argos!)

Lift your voice in praise and song.

Brave and fearless, Argo strong.

Deep within each Argo beats

The Heart of a Champion!

© 2015, Joseph T. Spaniola and the University of West Florida, Joseph T. Spaniola Music. All Rights Reserved.

Meet some band members!

Meet some of the faces behind the UWF Argo Athletic Band! 

Mark Jay Jimenez

Mark Jay Jimenez, computer engineering major, is an active member of the Argo Athletic Band.

“There are a lot of irreplaceable experience points to add on to my life score from joining the band. It has opened new friend groups and tons of great memories.”

Mark Jay Jimenez, sophomore computer engineering major, is an active member of the Argo Athletic Band. He has played the trombone for nine years and the baritone for three. Playing in the band at his high school, Jimenez wanted to continue his passion for music into university life college.

“It is hard to leave my instrument behind as a memory. I believe it is good to carry out music throughout your whole life, and I thought that joining the band is a great way to continue that. Also, I wanted to be apart of UWF,  other than being a student, and what better way of doing it than being in the band?” Jimenez reflected.

Jimenez says the band is a symbol of UWF and can’t wait to continue his journey with the Argo Athletic Band into next season. He is hoping word of the band will spread and gain more support. “I would definitely encourage others to support the band! It would certainly raise school spirit and hype at all our activities we go to!”

Before rehearsals and during breaks at games, Jimenez can often be seen with a deck of cards. He said he has a collection of cards that he has accumulated over time. Along with playing cards with family and friends, he also likes to perform magic tricks. “I sometimes make new buddies teaching them or playing a card game that we both know,” said Jimenez.

As a sophomore, Jimenez is learning how to balance life, school, and band, but he wouldn’t want it any other way. “Nothing beats having fun with friends as a band all while involved with our University. Attending UWF wouldn't be the same if I wasn't in the band.”


As a sophomore, Jimenez is learning how to balance life, school and the band, but he wouldn't want it any other way. 

Before rehearsals and during breaks at games, Jimenez can often be seen with a deck of cards. 

“There are a lot of irreplaceable experience points to add on to my life score from joining the band. It has opened new friend groups and tons of great memories," says Jimenez.

Sydney Moore

Sydney Moore is a recent graduate from Milton High School. She is majoring in biomedical sciences at UWF and is an active member of the Argo Athletic Band.

“The band creates the atmosphere to cheer on the Argos that we haven't had before...[and] is able to uplift the environment we're in and make the crowd excited.”

Sydney Moore is a recent graduate from Milton High School. She is majoring in biomedical sciences at UWF. For seven years, she has been playing the mellophone. As a UWF freshman, she has continued her love for music as a member of the UWF Argo Athletic Band.

For Moore, her band membership has been a hallmark of her UWF experience. She says that because of a shared passion for music, she has had the opportunity to connect with students of various majors. Moore describes herself as a “more rounded” student and attributes that to the balance her participation offers her between her music and her pursuit of the sciences.

Being in the band has helped Moore get through the storms that life brings. She says playing music helps her to “take a break from her studies and support UWF.” Moore is excited to continue her involvement with the band in the upcoming season.

Of the UWF tradition, Moore says, “The Argo Athletic Band is continuing to make new traditions and ways to celebrate our school. Many other universities have the advantage of long-held traditions, but our football team doesn't have that. By supporting the band, we are creating the new traditions and a sense of pride for our school.”



Being in the band has helped Moore get through the storms that life brings.

Moore is majoring in biomedical sciences at UWF.

Moore says, "By supporting the band, we are creating the new traditions and a sense of pride for our school.”

Garsche Roble

Garsche Roble is a music education major and has played the clarinet for eight years. He is an active member of the Argo Athletic Band.

Music education major, Garsche Roble, has played the clarinet for eight years. Starting his journey with high school band, he did not want to give up music after graduating. Now, he is one of the first members of UWF’s Argo Athletic Band.

“The Argo Athletic Band is the most visual representation of the music department. With music engraved in our culture, it establishes a sense of excitement for each event.”, said Roble. “The band strives to create performances for others to enjoy.”

Being in the Argo Athletic Band since it began, Roble is proud to be a part of the growth of the AAB. He said, “While the current focus is playing in the stands, I hope to play a role in the formation of a marching band in the university.”

Along with being in the Argo Athletic Band, Roble is also involved in the Argo Gaming Club on campus, where he enjoys playing games with other UWF students. Through the gaming club and the band, he gets to meet a variety of students with different backgrounds and hobbies.

“The diversity of students participating in the Argo Athletic Band allows everyone to meet people who they would not have met otherwise, expanding the social life of each student. Participating in the band has helped me recognize and know more people around the campus.”

Not only is the Argo Athletic Band a great opportunity to meet other people, it is also a great resume booster for Roble. “As a music education major, participating in the Argo Athletic Band will help gather experiences that students I may be teaching would want to know about. It also allows more opportunities to play music.”

An excellent student and active on campus, Roble is hitting life out of the park. He is proud to be one of the first members of the AAB and encourages others who are interested to join. Come see him along with the other Argo Athletic Band members at all UWF home football and basketball games.


An excellent student and active on campus, Roble is hitting life out of the park. He is proud to be one of the first members of the AAB and encourages others who are interested to join.

Along with being in the Argo Athletic Band, Roble is also involved in the Argo Gaming Club on campus, where he enjoys playing games with other UWF students.

Roble says, “While the current focus is playing in the stands, I hope to play a role in the formation of a marching band in the university.”