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photo of Jennifer Brinkley

Jennifer Brinkley


Jennifer L. Brinkley, an Assistant Professor of Legal Studies, has a J.D. from the University of Kentucky College of Law, practiced law and taught at both the University of Colorado at Denver and at Western Kentucky University before joining UWF in 2019.  She teaches courses on women and the law, criminal procedure, evidence, legal research and writing, family law, law and society, among others.

Brinkley’s research focuses on women and the law issues. Her work has been published in Kentucky Law Journal, Quinnipiac Law Review, Northern Illinois University Law Review, FAWL Journal, Legal Writing: Journal of Legal Writing Institute, South Carolina Law Review, LMU Law Review, Kentucky Bench & Bar, The Legal Educator, and The Young Lawyer.

Brinkley has experience working for a civil law firm, in a solo law practice, in a corporate position, and as a prosecutor.

Degrees & Institutions

Brinkley received a Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting and a Master of Arts in Criminology from Western Kentucky University. She earned her J.D. from the University of Kentucky College of Law. 


  • Women and the law
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  • Gender and the Judiciary in Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • Criminal law issues


Please see Dr. Brinkley's CV for a complete list of publications.


Keywords: women and the law, criminal law, Bosnia-Herzegovina, gender and the judiciary