Transferring Credit

We know transferring earned credit is a top concern! Here you’ll find credit transfer details and unofficial transfer credit evaluations options.
Prerequisite and Transfer Guides
UWF's Prerequisite Guides provide an overview of program prerequisites. For detailed guidelines regarding credit transfers, visit the UWF Catalog.
FloridaShines Common Prerequisites Manual is a resource that lists prerequisite courses required for specific programs at every Florida public college and university.
The PSC-UWF Transfer Guides provide an overview of how PSC courses equate to UWF courses for specific degree plans. For complete degree information, visit the UWF Catalog.
The NWFSC-UWF Transfer Guides provide an overview of how NWFSC courses equate to UWF courses for specific degree plans. For complete degree information, visit the UWF Catalog.
Unofficial Transfer Credit Evaluations
Have a copy of your transcript? Learn more about what your degree audit at UWF would look like by using the Transfer Equivalency Self-Service app. You can enter as many as 25 courses completed and/or attempted to get a printable copy of your sample UWF degree plan. If you have more than 25 courses, please select another transfer credit evaluation option, or email
The UWF Transfer Course Checker is provided as a tool to assist students in determining how individual courses will transfer to UWF. Equivalencies are subject to change upon official evaluation by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. We are constantly updating course equivalency data and you may need to provide a syllabus for a course.
Have a copy of your unofficial transcript? UWF can complete an unofficial evaluation of your General Education transfer credit. Upload your transcript, and allow approximately 14 days for a review.
This evaluation will not provide a degree audit or evaluate upper-division coursework. You can use the Transfer Equivalency Self Service tool to create a degree audit that includes major specific coursework.