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General Education Skills

Throughout your time in courses in General Education, you will develop competencies that will help you in your upper division coursework, your future career, and beyond.

Critical Thinking

  • Mathematics: Apply mathematical principles to determine a strategy for solving a problem.
  • Mathematics: Execute appropriate mathematical techniques for solving a problem and interpret results of a solution.
  • Humanities: Interpret and analyze tools and techniques of communication within cultural forms or cultural contexts.
  • Social Sciences: Solve problems using social science methods.
  • Natural Sciences: Evaluate scientific information using appropriate tools and strategies of the discipline.

College-Level Communication

  • Composition I: Compose and revise a researched academic paper that adheres to discipline-specific conventions.
  • Composition II: Produce (through revision) effective written communications that support author intent and address a specific audience.

*Non-composition College-Level Communication (formerly Gordon Rule Writing) courses must select one of the communication SLOs for their contribution to the assessment of writing.


  • Humanities: Identify the intrinsic value of culture and cultural artifacts.
  • Social Sciences: Reason ethically in an appropriate disciplinary context.

Multicultural Requirement

An important component of a liberal education is the study of cultures other than one's own. As such, multiculturalism encompasses the appreciation of the values, expressions, and modes of organization of diverse cultural communities.

Multicultural Requirements

Gordon Rule

To fulfill the writing and mathematics requirement for earning the first baccalaureate degree, students are required to satisfy the Gordon Rule for writing and math. Students must have a grade of "C" or better in the courses to successfully complete this requirement. 

Gordon Rule Requirements

Civic Literacy

The study of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship supports a rich academic experience, contributes to career readiness, and equips students to participate fully in the democratic process.

Civic Literacy

General Education Digital Badging

Digital badges, also known as micro-credentials, allow recipients to showcase their skills to prospective employers through the completion of various courses and learning experiences.

General Education Digital Badging