Student Organizations
The Department of Biology has many diverse opportunities for participation in extracurricular activities and encourages the development of student interest groups, activities and organizations.

Alpha Epsilon Delta
Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED) has today become the world's largest honor society exclusively serving pre-medical education, with a membership exceeding 124,000 in 174 chapters nationwide.
Please visit our organization page on Argo Pulse for more details and information.
American Medical Student Association
The American Medical Student Association is committed to improving healthcare and healthcare delivery to all people; promoting active improvement in medical education; involving its members in the social, moral and ethical obligations of the profession of medicine; assisting in the improvement and understanding of world health problems; contributing to the welfare of medical students, premedical students, interns, residents and post-MD/DO trainees; and advancing the profession of medicine.
Please visit our organization page on Argo Pulse or the AMSA national organization website for more details and information.

Marine Ecology Research Society (M.E.R.S.)
The Marine Ecology Research Society of UWF promotes ecophysiological research amongst the undergraduate and graduate students of the University of West Florida. M.E.R.S. encourages students to explore the scientific community outside of the University of West Florida and to interact with and educate the community regarding issues pertaining to science and the environment.
Membership of M.E.R.S. will be granted to students of UWF who meet the following criteria.
- The student must be currently enrolled in either an undergraduate or graduate degree-seeking program at UWF.
- The student must be an upstanding student with respect to grades and department participation.
- The student must be actively pursuing research in the field of marine ecophysiology or a related sub-discipline.
Please visit our organization page on Argo Pulse for more details and information.

American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
The University of West Florida Student Chapter of the Southeastern Branch of the American Society for Microbiology was organized by Graduate students Abidemi Ajidahun and Kristen Hellein. Both are members of the National ASM and of the Southeastern Branch of ASM. They wrote a
detailed constitution patterned after that of the SEB, which received approval from the UWF Division of Student Affairs. The UWF- ASM is now a “Registered Student Organization in the Academic Category.” The SEB-ASM executive committee met at Auburn University on Saturday 10 November 2007 to vote on the acceptability of the UWF-ASM as a recognized student branch. The UWF-ASM was approved and the Southeastern Branch will be sending their decision and a show of support to the National ASM, where the organization is to be voted on in June in the final step to becoming a nationally recognized student chapter.
ASM is the largest single-subject scientific organization in the world, and one of the most-influential scientific organizations in the U.S. Recognition of UWF-ASM is indeed a high accomplishment. Members of UWF-ASM may apply for travel support to attend meetings, fellowships, and have access to many other member privileges. Members are provided with many volunteer opportunities and job opportunities that become available in the field of microbiology. Anyone with an interest in microbiology, regardless of their major, is eligible to join the organization.
Please visit our organization page on ASM website for more details and information.
Pre-Dental Society
The Pre-Dental Society of the University of West Florida shall seek to provide appropriate opportunities for students of University of West Florida who have ambitions to attend dental school. These opportunities include, but are not limited to, volunteer opportunities, networking opportunities, information about specific dental schools and research, and DAT preparation. Through passion and education, we strive to be the future of oral health.
Please visit our organization page on Argo Pulse for more details and information.
Pre-Veterinary Society
The Pre-Veterinary Society was created for all Pre-Veterinary students and any other student interested in Animal Science. The purposes of the Society are:
- to promote the interest in veterinary medicine among students;
- to provide every member of this organization with information in regards to his/her chosen field in Animal Science;
- to encourage interaction with students of similar interests to that of this organization;
- to provide service to this University and its surrounding community;
- to allow for the opportunity of more experience in the Animal Science field through service and internship;
- to assist one another in anything required to the academic success of every member
- to provide social functions for the members of this organization
Please visit our organization page on Argo Pulse for more details and information.

Women in Science (AWIS)
AWIS Membership is open to all individuals -- both women and men -- who support the mission of the organization. Members must join the national organization AND have the added value of joining a local chapter in their area.
Membership at the national level affords access to a host of benefits PLUS you have the satisfaction of knowing your voice is being heard on issues which directly impact your quality of life such as equal opportunity, pay equity, and recognition.
Membership in a local chapter provides members with hands-on opportunities to network, participate in educational programs, and enjoy community outreach initiatives. In partnership, the local chapters and the national office continue to make important differences in the personal and professional lives of individual members and the STEM community at large.
Please visit our Undergraduate organization page on the AWIS website for more details and information.