Assessment assists UWF faculty and administrators in understanding and improving the student experience. We assist faculty and administrators in learning outcomes assessment at the levels of the course, department, and college using empirically-sound instruments and protocols. Student assessment data are aggregated, analyzed, and reported for students, faculty, staff, and UWF administration.
The OAASP supports assessment of teaching and learning at the level of the classroom, academic program, college, and university. We provide a variety of services, as listed below.
Assistance to departments in:
- Articulating goals for student learning
- Identifying and carrying out direct and indirect methods for assessing those goals, such as curricular maps, surveys for graduating seniors, course-based assessments, field-experience assessments, professional impact, and surveys for employers
- Analyzing and reporting assessment results
Surveys about the student experience, including:
- Alumni Surveys
- Exit Surveys
- Evaluation of Field Supervisors
Course Data that:
- Inform faculty members about student performance in their classes singly and over time
- Provide chairs and deans with one- and five-year reports on student performance
Useful Documents
Steps to Building an Assessment System
Components of Quality Assessment Systems