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General Education Professional Development

Faculty teaching General Education classes may have specific needs or requests for professional development opportunities. 

Recent Faculty Development Workshops

"ChatGPT and the Writing Classroom"

Presented on Fri., March 24, 2023 in person and via Zoom. Permission was received to record the session.

The video is housed in the Google Drive. You will need to log in with your UWF email to access it. The quality will be better if you download it (rather than watch it in drive). Please let me know of any difficulties accessing the video:

ChatGPT Recorded Zoom Session (log in with UWF email). It's a large file. It takes some time to load.

ChatGPT PowerPoint (PDF)

Survey to ChatGPT Workshop (closes April 7)

Curricular Resources about AI for Teaching (CRAFT) - Stanford Graduate School of Education (external site)

Future General Education Faculty Development Opportunities

Future General Education faculty development opportunities will be included here.