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Info for Advisors

Appeals to allow other coursework to fulfill General Studies or General Education, College-Level Communication and Computation, and/or Multicultural requirements are reviewed by the General Education Committee.

At the time of admission, advisors should review student transfer work to identify any courses that might be eligible for appeal. It is best practice to complete this review while reviewing student audits for excess hours. This ensures students have accurate degree plans and excess hours calculators as they progress toward graduation.

Appeals most commonly include requests to evaluate transfer coursework for application to General Studies/Education, College-Level Communication and Computation, or Multicultural course requirements. However, the General Education Committee also considers waivers of General Studies/Education and Multicultural requirements. Please note that waivers are not granted for the College-Level Communication or Computation requirements.

Students should work with their academic advisor to develop their appeals. It is important to include any documentation relevant to the appeal. Types of documentation include but are not limited to, a course syllabus (preferred), a catalog description, or a letter from the instructor outlining course details. 

Before signing off on an appeal, advisors should ensure the student selected the correct course and attached appropriate documentation. If the student did not select a specific course, please note what the student is requesting in the advisor comments section. Any questions regarding these appeals can be sent to the Director of General Education at

Summer/Fall 2024 Appeals Review

The General Education Committee reviews appeals on a rolling basis during the summer semester and will meet about once per month during the fall semester. During the Fall 2024 semester, the committee meets on the following dates:

  • Friday, September 6
  • Friday, October 4
  • Friday, November 1
  • Friday, December 6

Appeals should be submitted no later than 48 hours prior to the meeting date to be reviewed that month. If there are extenuating circumstances that require an expedited review, please include an explanation in the advisor comment portion of the appeal. Decisions can be expected within one business day of committee meetings.

Appeal Form

  • General Education/College-Level Communication and Computation/Multicultural Appeal Form
    • This form is used to request evaluation of transfer coursework intended to satisfy General Education, College-Level Communication and Computation, and/or Multicultural requirements. Students initiate this form through MyUWF and instructions are available online in the UWF Public Knowledge Base under Starting an Academic Appeal. Students must attach appropriate documentation (course syllabus, catalog description, or letter from the instructor) in order for the committee to review.

General Education Course Selection

The 2025-2026 General Education Courses Quick Guide( 2024-2025 General Education Courses) provides an alternate visual rendering of the General Education curriculum.