UWF HEMA Fencing Club
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts. Our club focuses on pre-20th century swordsmanship. The main facets of the club lie in Italian Rapier and German Longsword for the purposes of HEMA and SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) competition.

The HEMA Fencing club does not require fees or dues, but donations are greatly encouraged and appreciated. Gear and great instruction are provided for members of the club. After an individual becomes sufficiently knowledgeable on proper footwork and basic blade mechanics, The individual will be tested in a semi-free sparring match with a club officer. If deemed safe, that student will then be given permission to free spar and branch into any direction of fencing that they could ever dream of. No experience is required and the club does offer loaner gear for free.
From there, students may continue studying the in-depth practicing of historical fencing masters as well as train for competitions and tournaments.
The club informally maintains the name Salle McAfee, named for the former club instructor Ron McAfee who was killed in a car accident in January 2005.
Day | Time | Location |
Mondays | 7 - 9 p.m. | HLS Facility, Teaching Gym |
Wednesdays | 7 - 9 p.m. | HLS Facility, Teaching Gym |
Fridays | 5 - 7 p.m. | HLS Facility, Teaching Gym |
Connect With Us
UWF HEMA Fencing Club on Facebook
UWF HEMA Fencing Discord server
Donate Online
Visit the UWF Foundation's secure server to support the Fencing Club. Be sure to indicate "For the Fencing Club" in the comment box at the bottom of the page.
Interested in joining the Fencing Club? Contact our club president:
Joshua Joiner
UWF HEMA Fencing Club
Competitive Sports Graduate Assistant