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Gain knowledge and demonstrate the skills to seek employment in the athletic sport coaching sector. Learn effective, strategic, and tactical aspects of coaching. Through high-impact practices, engage in simulated coaching situations, develop practice plans, implement training principles, and employ sports analytics to improve individual and team athletic performance.

Program Details

Completing a minor in Athletic Sport Coaching provides the background and training to be eligible for the state of Florida K-12 coaching certification. The minor is available to all majors, but will best compliment those who will work in athletic settings. These majors include: business, sports management, education, exercise science, physical education teacher education, health promotion, communication, and sports psychology.

UWF offers classes through various delivery methods, including face-to-face, hybrid, and online. Though UWF makes every effort to provide on-campus classes in face-to-face programs, there is a possibility that some classes will have limited availability and may be offered online only. For more information, please review the modes of delivery and instructional methods.

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