Research Pool
There are two options with the Lewis Bear Jr. College of Business where students in participating courses can earn credit.
The Lewis Bear Jr. College of Business Research Pool is a resource to support student and faculty research, including journal publication, conference presentations, academic competitions, and course projects. Further, the Lewis Bear Jr. College of Business Research Pool provides students with exposure to cutting-edge business research issues and topics.
Professors may elect to have their students participate in the Lewis Bear Jr. College of Business Research Pool as a required or extra credit component of their courses. If your course requires or offers extra credit for participating in the Lewis Bear Jr. College of Business Research Pool, your professors will provide further detail in class or on their syllabi.
To request the use of the Lewis Bear Jr. College of Business Research Pool for your research, please contact
Please find further information regarding how to participate in the Lewis Bear Jr. College of Business Research Pool below.
COBRP Deadlines
- Study Participation: Monday at 5 p.m. during the last week of “regular” class (not final exam week). Some researchers may close their studies BEFORE the participation deadline, but no studies will be available after the deadline.
- Alternative Assignment: Monday at 5 p.m. during the last week of “regular” class (not final exam week).
Option 1: Participating in research studies. You can earn COBRP Credit by participating in approved research studies. You can find a list of approved studies on the COBRP webpage. Studies will be opened based on student and faculty research needs. You will receive an email notification when the first study is opened for student participation and whenever a new study becomes available. All studies are first come first serve. COBRP Credit is awarded based on the expected duration of the study, with .5 COBRP Credits awarded for each 30-minute segment of expected participation time. For example, if you complete a 60-minute study, you will earn 1 COBRP Credit. If you complete a 30-minute study, you will earn .5 COBRP Credits. Multi-session studies will award credit based on your total participation time, as previously described. Each study will clearly indicate how many COBRP Credits it is worth, based on your anticipated participation time. Further, you will earn 1 additional COBRP Credit for participating in studies that require you to be physically present on campus to participate.
Option 2: Completing Alternative Assignments. If you do not want to participate in studies or you cannot participate because no time slots fit your schedule, you do not fit the participant criteria, etc., you can also earn COBRP Credit by reading and summarizing an approved journal article. One COBRP Credit is awarded for each completed Alternative Assignment. You should anticipate spending approximately an hour to complete an Alternative Assignment. The list of approved journal articles for Alternative Assignments is below.
- Bhattacharya, A., Morgan, N. A., & Rego, L. L. (2022). Examining why and when market share drives firm profit. Journal of Marketing, 86(4), 73-94.
- Campbell, M., & Gavett, G. (2021). What covid-19 has done to our well-being, in 12 charts. Harvard Business Review, 10.
- Costello, J. P., & Malkoc, S. A. (2022). Why are donors more generous with time than money? The role of perceived control over donations on charitable giving. Journal of Consumer Research, 49(4), 678-696.
- Crolic, C., Thomaz, F., Hadi, R., & Stephen, A. T. (2022). Blame the bot: anthropomorphism and anger in customer–chatbot interactions. Journal of Marketing, 86(1), 132-148.
- Cusumano, M. A., Gawer, A., & Yoffie, D. B. (2021). Social media companies should self-regulate. Now. Harvard Business Review, 15.
- De Cremer, D., & Kasparov, G. (2021). AI should augment human intelligence, not replace it. Harvard Business Review, 18.
- Fuller, J., Langer, C., & Sigelman, M. (2022). Skills-based hiring is on the rise. Harvard Business Review, 11.
- Lisjak, M., & Ordabayeva, N. (2022). How political ideology shapes preferences for observably inferior products. Journal of Consumer Research.
- Nunes, J. C., Ordanini, A., & Giambastiani, G. (2021). The concept of authenticity: What it means to consumers. Journal of Marketing, 85(4), 1-20.
- Petit, O., Javornik, A., & Velasco, C. (2022). We eat first with our (digital) eyes: enhancing mental simulation of eating experiences via visual-enabling technologies. Journal of Retailing, 98(2), 277-293.
- Zheng, D., Chen, Y., Zhang, Z., & Che, H. (2022). Retail price discount depth and perceived quality uncertainty. Journal of Retailing, 98(3), 542-557.
Each article is available electronically via the Library website (click on the eJournals tab to search). You can also find these articles via Google Scholar. Note, you may need to be connected to UWF’s internet to access these articles, as some may be behind a paywall. If necessary, librarians and support staff are available on site to help. Or, you can contact the library reference desk at 850.474.2424.
To complete an Alternative Assignment, write a two-page review of the article, addressing each of the topics/sections listed below (label each topic/section accordingly in your review):
a) Objectives b) Methodology c) Summary of research results d) Managerial implications of the research e) Relate the research results/implications to your own behavior or to a company
Alternative Assignments must be word-processed and use 12-point font with standard 1-inch margins. Either double or single spacing is acceptable if your Alternative Assignment meets the above requirements.
Alternative Assignments must be turned in to the Director of COBRP at, (not your professor) by 5 p.m. on the deadline listed below. To ensure you receive credit, please name your Alternative Assignments as follows. Last name, first name, and the course number of the course wish your COBRP Credit to be applied. For example, if Jane Doe wants her Alternative Assignment applied to her Consumer Behavior course (MAR 3503-0), her file would be named doe, jane, MAR 3503-0. We recommend that you request an e-mail confirming that your Alternative Assignment has been received and print a copy for your records.
You may choose to earn COBRP Credit by completing only Option 1, only Option 2, or any combination of both Options 1 and 2. You can track your COBRP Credit online. All COBRP related questions should be sent to the Director of the COBRP via, not your professor.
Additional Rules of the COBRP
1. You cannot apply the same COBRP Credit to more than one course.
2. You cannot apply more COBRP Credits to a course than indicated in the course syllabus.
3. If you plagiarize your Alternative Assignment (e.g., language comes directly from the article, or the summary has also been submitted by another student, etc.), you will receive zero COBRP Credit for the assignment, and the incident will be reported to Student Affairs.
4. The department of psychology also operates a research pool (via a different website). You cannot transfer credits between the COBRP and the psychology research pool.