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HMCSE Faculty and Administration Blog

A window to the future of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in Northwest Florida

HMCSE Blog Entries

North End of the Peninsula

December 4, 2019 | Dr. Wade Jeffrey, Director of CEDB

We made a trip farther north to King George Island. This is about 200 miles north of Palmer Station and is home to many research bases. There are Argentinian, Chinese, Polish, Brazilian, Russian, S. Korean, and Chilean bases there (I think there are others too). We spent most of our stop in sight of the Chilean Base Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva. It was opened in 1969 and has an average population of about 80 people. Because of all the bases that are here, there is also a large airstrip.

Long shot of Rothera Station

A Quick Visit to Rothera Station

November 26, 2019 | Dr. Wade Jeffrey, Director of CEDB

Last Saturday, in a gesture of international relations and good will, the station leader at the UK’s Rothera Station invited us to dinner and to tour the facility. Of course, we accepted and 17 of us went over while an equal number of British scientists and staff came out to visit our ship. I think we got the better deal – we were fed a great meal, got to buy Rothera swag in their store, and visit other essential parts of the station. Rothera is the largest British Antarctic research station

Deck Safety Meeting

Southbound and Tourist Season

November 20, 2019 | Dr. Wade Jeffrey, Director of CEDB

We crossed the Drake Passage in pretty good shape. This unique place in the oceans is often thought of as the roughest seas in the world. Here the entire southern ocean is squeezed between the tip of South American and the Antarctic Peninsula and it's known for the formation of very large storms. It’s always a roll of the dice when you come across – the first trips I did we had what we called the “Drake Lake” where it was so calm you could have water skied.

A Day in the Life (and some other things)

November 20, 2019 | Dr. Wade Jeffrey, Director of CEDB

So what’s a day like onboard the ship? For us, it’s always a working day. We collect our first sample with a CTD profile at 5 am, so that means I am up at 4:30. The seawater is usually onboard by 5:45 am. We scramble to collect water from the correct bottles for the depths we want, and then it’s off to process. There are samples/ data to be collected from each water sample which requires a lot of filtering water.