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Lee Gaul


Lee Christine Gaul joins the Department of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Legal Studies as Assistant Professor of Clinical Practice. For her undergraduate degree she studied at the University of Miami, FL and majored in History and Speech Communications on academic scholarship. During her four years at University of Miami, she rowed varsity crew, and in her freshman year won the national championship.

She taught high school English for 26 years in Florida, New Jersey, Louisiana, and Virginia. Lee took a break midway to attend law school at LSU, litigate toxic tort defense for a year, and have her son. She returned to teaching English and is continuing in her 12th year as an adjunct professor of Business Law for the University of North Florida.

In her free time, Lee loves to travel extensively. She has backpacked solo through Europe and owns a Sprinter van that she uses during summer months to tour the continental U.S. She grew up in the Panama Canal Zone, and has visited Cuba, and U.S. islands and territories, including Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Hawaii.

She moved here from Virginia, where she had been working on her Master's in English Literature, and is now nearer to her son, who is a senior at FSU.

Degrees & Institutions

Bachelor of Civil Law from Louisiana State University Law School

BS/History & Speech Communications from the University of Miami (FL)

Juris Doctorate from Louisiana State University Law School

BAR Member: Louisiana and Florida

Current Courses

  • Legal System/Ethics
  • Civil Procedure

Classes Taught

  • Torts
  • Civil Procedure
  • Law and Society
  • Ethics 

Special Interests

Coach for UWF Mock Trial Team